Full Name
Wei Luo
(not current staff)


Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Jan-2018A comparative life-cycle assessment of photovoltaic electricity generation in Singapore by multicrystalline silicon technologiesLuo, Wei ; Khoo, Yong Sheng ; Kumar, Abhishek ; Low, Jonathan Sze Choong; Li, Yanmin ; Tan, Yee Shee; Wang, Yan ; Aberle, Armin G ; Ramakrishna, Seeram 
22019Correction: A review of crystalline silicon bifacial photovoltaic performance characterisation and simulation (Energy & Environmental Science (2019) DOI: 10.1039/c8ee02184h)Liang T.S. ; Pravettoni M. ; Deline C. ; Stein J.S.; Kopecek R.; Singh J.P. ; Luo W. ; Wang Y. ; Aberle A.G. ; Khoo Y.S. 
31-Oct-2018Elucidating potential-induced degradation in bifacial PERC silicon photovoltaic modulesLUO WEI ; Hacke, Peter; Terwilliger, Kent; LIANG TIAN SHEN ; WANG YAN ; SEERAM RAMAKRISHNA ; ABERLE,ARMIN GERHARD ; KHOO YONG SHENG 
41-Jan-2017In-Situ Characterization of Potential-Induced Degradation in Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Modules Through Dark I-V MeasurementsLUO WEI ; Hacke, Peter; JAI PRAKASH ; CHAI JING ; WANG YAN ; SEERAM RAMAKRISHNA ; ABERLE,ARMIN GERHARD ; KHOO YONG SHENG 
515-Jun-2019Investigation of polysilicon passivated contact's resilience to potential-induced degradationLUO WEI ; CHEN NING ; KE CANGMING ; WANG YAN ; ABERLE,ARMIN GERHARD ; SEERAM RAMAKRISHNA ; SHUBHAM DUTTAGUPTA ; KHOO YONG SHENG 
61-Jul-2020Investigation of Potential-Induced Degradation in Bifacial n-PERL ModulesLuo, Wei ; Chen, Ning ; Shanmugam, Vinodh ; Yan, Xia ; Duttagupta, Shubham ; Wang, Yan ; Aberle, Armin G ; Khoo, Yong Sheng 
71-Jan-2018Investigation of Potential-Induced Degradation in n-PERT Bifacial Silicon Photovoltaic Modules with a Glass/Glass StructureLUO WEI ; KHOO YONG SHENG ; JAI PRAKASH ; JOHNSON KAI CHI WONG ; WANG YAN ; ABERLE,ARMIN GERHARD ; SEERAM RAMAKRISHNA 
81-Sep-2018Investigation of the Impact of Illumination on the Polarization-Type Potential-Induced Degradation of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic ModulesLUO WEI ; Hacke, Peter; Hsian, Saw Min ; WANG YAN ; ABERLE,ARMIN GERHARD ; SEERAM RAMAKRISHNA ; KHOO YONG SHENG 
918-Feb-2024Long-term outdoor study of an organic photovoltaic module for building integrationLuo, Wei ; Khaing, Aung Myint ; Rodríguez-Gallegos, Carlos D ; Shin Woei Leow ; Thomas Guenter Reindl ; Mauro Pravettoni 
1015-Nov-2022Membrane-free redox flow cell based on thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle for concurrent electricity storage, cooling and waste heat harnessing of perovskite solar cellsZhang, H ; Lek, DG ; Liu, T ; Lin, F ; Luo, W ; Huang, S ; Gao, M ; Wang, X ; Zhi, Y ; Wang, Q 
112021Performance loss rates of floating photovoltaic installations in the tropicsLuo, W ; Isukapalli, SN ; Vinayagam, L ; Ting, SA; Pravettoni, M ; Reindl, T ; Kumar, A
121-Nov-2021Photovoltaic module failures after 10 years of operation in the tropicsLuo, W ; Clement, CE ; Khoo, YS ; Wang, Y ; Khaing, AM ; Reindl, T ; Kumar, A ; Pravettoni, M 
131-Jan-2017Potential-induced degradation in photovoltaic modules: a critical reviewLuo, Wei ; Khoo, Yong Sheng ; Hacke, Peter; Naumann, Volker; Lausch, Dominik; Harvey, Steven P; Singh, Jai Prakash ; Chai, Jing ; Wang, Yan ; Aberle, Armin G ; Ramakrishna, Seeram 
1411-Dec-2020Redox Targeting-Based Thermally Regenerative Electrochemical Cycle Flow Cell for Enhanced Low-Grade Heat HarnessingZhang, Hang; Yu, Juezhi ; Zhou, Mingyue; Luo, Wei ; Lee, Yann Mei ; Si, Mayan; Wang, Qing 
151-Feb-2020Space-Time Patterns, Change, and Propagation of COVID-19 Risk Relative to the Intervention Scenarios in BangladeshMasrur, Arif; Yu, Manzhu; Luo, Wei ; Dewan, Ashraf
162023Study of Potential‐Induced Degradation in Glass‐Encapsulated Perovskite Solar Cells under Different Stress ConditionsNakka, Laxmi; Luo, Wei ; Aberle, Armin G ; Lin, Fen