Broekman Birit Froukje Philipp


Full Name
Broekman Birit Froukje Philipp
(not current staff)
Broekman, Birit FP
B. F. Broekman
Broekman, B. F.
Broekman, Birit F.P.
Broekman B. F.
Broekman, Birit Froukje Philippien
Broekman, Birit Froukje Philipp
Broekman, B.F.P.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-20 of 75 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Jan-2017A bilingual advantage in 54-month-olds' use of referential cues in fast mappingYow, W. Q.; X. Li; S. Lam; T. Gliga; Chong, Yap Seng ; K. Kwek ; Broekman, B. F. 
22016A comparison of practices during the confinement period among Chinese, Malay, and Indian mothers in SingaporeFok D.; Aris I.M. ; Ho J.; Lim S.B. ; Chua M.C. ; Pang W.W. ; Saw S.-M. ; Kwek K. ; Godfrey K.M.; Kramer M.S.; Chong Y.S. ; the GUSTO Study Group; Agarwal P.; Biswas A.; Bong C.L.; Broekman B.F.P. ; Cai S. ; Chan J.K.Y. ; Chan Y.H. ; Chen H.Y.H.; Cheung Y.B. ; Chia A.; Chinnadurai A.; Chng C.K.; Chong M.F.-F. ; Chong S.C.; Ding C.M.; Finkelstein E.A. ; Fortier M.V. ; Goh A.E.N. ; Goh Y.T.D.; Gooley J.J.; Han W.M.; Hanson M.; Henry C.J. ; Holbrook J.D.; Hsu C.-Y. ; Inskip H.; Kapur J.; Lau I.Y.-M.; Lee B.W. ; Lee Y.S. ; Lek N. ; Low Y.-L.; Magiati I.; Daniel L.M.; Meaney M.; Ngo C.; Naiduvaje K.; Qiu A. ; Quah B.L.; Rajadurai V.S. ; Rauff M.; Rebello S.A.; Richmond J.L.; Rifkin-Graboi A.; Shek L.P.-C. ; Sheppard A.; Shuter B.; Singh L.; Stunkel W.; Su L.L.; Tan K.H. ; Teoh O.H. ; Tint M.T. ; van Bever H.P.S. ; Wong I.B.Y.; Wong P.C.; Yap F. ; Yeo G.S.H.
32017A description of an 'obesogenic' eating style that promotes higher energy intake and is associated with greater adiposity in 4.5year-old children: Results from the GUSTO cohortFogel A.; Goh A.T.; Fries L.R.; Sadananthan S.A. ; Velan S.S. ; Michael N.; Tint M.T. ; Fortier M.V. ; Chan M.J. ; Toh J.Y.; Chong Y.-S. ; Tan K.H. ; Yap F. ; Shek L.P. ; Meaney M.J. ; Broekman B.F.P. ; Lee Y.S. ; Godfrey K.M.; Chong M.F.F. ; Forde C.G. 
41-Apr-2016A suicidal pregnant patient's request for premature Cesarean section: Clinical and ethical challengesTeng, Jia Ying ; Chee, Cornelia Yin Ing; Chong, Yap-Seng ; Lee, Le Ye; Yong, Eu Leong ; Chi, Claudia; Broekman, Birit 
523-Sep-2023Allostatic load in children: The cost of empathic concernPhua DY ; Chen H ; Yap F ; Chong YS ; Gluckman PD ; Broekman BFP ; Eriksson JG ; Meaney MJ 
62015An independent association of prenatal depression with wheezing and anxiety with rhinitis in infancyCheng, Tuck Seng; Chen, Helen ; Lee, Theresa; Teoh, Oon Hoe ; Shek, Lynette ; Lee, Bee Wah ; Chee, Cornelia ; Godfrey, Keith M; Gluckman, Peter D ; Kwek, Kenneth ; Saw, Seang Mei ; Chong, Yap Seng ; Meaney, Michael; Broekman, Birit FP ; Chay, Oh Moh ; Van Bever, Hugo ; Goh, Anne 
7Sep-2017Analysis of Item-Level Bias in the Bayley-III Language Subscales: The Validity and Utility of Standardized Language Assessment in a Multilingual SettingGoh, Kok Yew Shaun ; Tham, Kwang Hsia Elaine; Magiati, Iliana ; Sim, Litwee; Sanmugam, Shamini; Qiu, Anqi ; Daniel, Mary L.; Broekman, Birit F.P. ; Rifkin-Graboi, Anne
82015Antenatal maternal anxiety predicts variations in neural structures implicated in anxiety disorders in newbornsRifkin-Graboi Anne; Meaney Michael J.; Chen YU Helen ; Bai Jordan; Hameed, Waseem Bak R; Tint, Mya Thway Hway ; Broekman, Birit F P. ; Chong, Yap Seng ; Gluckman, Peter David ; Fortier, Marielle Valerie Alerie; Qiu, Anqi 
91-Sep-2016Anxiety and depression during pregnancy and temperament in early infancy: findings from a multi-ethnic, asian, prospective birth cohort studyChong, S. C. ; Broekman, B. F. ; Qiu, A. ; Aris, I. M.; Chan, Y. H. ; Rifkin-Graboi, A.; Law, E.; Chee, C. Y. ; Chong, Y. S. ; Kwek, K. Y. ; Saw, S. M. ; Gluckman, P. D. ; Meaney, M. J.; Chen, H. 
102008Anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms following wisdom tooth removalde, Jongh A.; Aartman, I.H.A.; Olff, M.; van, Hoolwerff H.; Broekman, B. ; Lindauer, R.; Boer, F.
111-Nov-2015Association of maternal Vitamin D status with glucose tolerance and caesarean section in a multi-ethnic Asian cohort: the growing up in Singapore towards healthy outcomes studyLoy, See Ling; Lek, Ngee ; Yap, Kok Peng Fabian ; Soh, Shu E. ; Natarajan, Padmapriya ; Tan, Kok Lian; Biswas, Arijit ; Yeo, George S. H.; Kwek, Yung Chiang Kenneth ; Gluckman, Peter David ; Saw, Seang Mei ; Chong, Foong Fong Mary ; Chan, Kok Yen Jerry ; Chinnadurai, Amutha ; Qiu, Anqi ; Lee, Bee Wah ; Broekman, Birit Froukje Philippien ; Shuter, Borys ; Hsu, Chin-Ying Stephen ; Chee, Yin Ing Cornelia ; Van Bever, Hugo P.S. ; Holbrook, Joanna Dawn ; Gooley, Joshua J. ; Niduvaje, Krishnamoorthy ; Singh, Leher ; Su, Lin Lin ; Shek, Pe-Chi Lynette ; RAUFF HOW JING,MARY ; Chua, Mei Chien ; Tint, Mya Thway ; Teoh, Oon Hoe ; Wong, Peng Cheang ; Rob Martinus, van Dam ; Rebello, Salome Antonette ; Chong, Shang Chee ; Cai, Shirong ; Rajadurai, Victor Samuel ; Pang, Wei Wei ; Goh, Yam Thiam Daniel ; Cheung, Yin Bun ; Chan, Yiong Huak ; Lee, Yung Seng 
1230-Mar-2022Associations Between Eczema and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in ChildrenLoo, Evelyn Xiu Ling ; Ooi, Delicia Shu Qin ; Ong, Minyee; Ta, Le Duc Huy ; Lau, Hui Xing; Tay, Michelle Jia Yu ; Yap, Qai Ven ; Chan, Yiong Huak ; Tham, Elizabeth Huiwen ; Goh, Anne Eng Neo ; Van Bever, Hugo ; Teoh, Oon Hoe ; Eriksson, Johan Gunnar; Chong, Yap Seng ; Gluckman, Peter; Yap, Fabian Kok Peng ; Karnani, Neerja ; Xu, Jia; Tan, Karen Mei Ling ; Tan, Kok Hian ; Lee, Bee Wah ; Kramer, Michael ; Shek, Lynette Pei-Chi ; Meaney, Michael J ; Broekman, Birit FP 
132016Associations between poor subjective prenatal sleep quality and postnatal depression and anxiety symptomsTham, K.H. Elaine; Tan, Joyce; Chong, Yap Seng ; Kwek, Yung Chiang Kenneth ; Saw, Seang Mei ; Teoh, Oon Hoe; Goh, Yam Thiam Daniel ; Meaney, Michael J.; Broekman, Birit F.P. 
1428-Mar-2023Associations between sleep trajectories up to 54 months and cognitive school readiness in 4 year old preschool childrenTham EKH ; Xu HY; Fu X; Goh RSM; Gluckman PD ; Chong YS ; Yap F ; Shek LP ; Teoh OH ; Gooley J; Goh DY; Schneider N; Meaney MJ ; Cai S ; Broekman BFP. 
1522-Jul-2019Associations of maternal zinc and magnesium with offspring learning abilities and cognitive development at 4 years in GUSTOLai JS; Cai S ; Feng L ; Shek LP ; Yap F ; Tan KH ; Chong YS ; Godfrey KM; Meaney MJ ; Rifkin-Graboi A; Broekman BFP ; Chong MFF 
162018Behavioral heterogeneity in relation with brain functional networks in young childrenWee C.-Y. ; Poh J.S. ; Wang Q. ; Broekman B.F.P. ; Chong Y.-S. ; Kwek K. ; Shek L.P. ; Saw S.-M. ; Gluckman P.D. ; Fortier M.V. ; Meaney M.J. ; Qiu A. 
172018Birth weight and catch up growth are associated with childhood impulsivity in two independent cohortsSilveira P.P.; Pokhvisneva I.; Gaudreau H.; Rifkin-Graboi A.; Broekman B.F.P. ; Steiner M.; Levitan R.; Parent C.; Diorio J.; Meaney M.J. 
182014Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism influences the association of the methylome with maternal anxiety and neonatal brain volumesChen L.; Pan H.; Tuan T.A. ; Teh A.L.; Macisaac J.L.; Mah S.M.; Mcewen L.M.; Li Y. ; Chen H. ; Broekman B.F.P. ; Buschdorf J.P. ; Chong Y.S. ; Kwek K. ; Saw S.M.; Gluckman P.D. ; Fortier M.V. ; Rifkin-Graboi A.; Kobor M.S.; Qiu A. ; Meaney M.J. ; Holbrook J.D.
192009Buprenorphine prescription, misuse and service provision: A global perspectiveHo, R.C.M. ; Chen, K.Y.; Broekman, B. ; Mak, A. 
201-Apr-2018Child, Maternal and Demographic Factors Influencing Caregiver-Reported Autistic Trait Symptomatology in ToddlersGoh D.A.; Gan D.; Kung J.; Baron-Cohen S.; Allison C.; Chen H.; Saw S.M.; CHONG YAP SENG ; VICTOR SAMUEL RAJADURAI ; Tan K.H.; SHEK PEI-CHI,LYNETTE ; FABIAN YAP KOK PENG ; BROEKMAN BIRIT FROUKJE PHILIPP ; Iliana Magiati