Full Name
Yoo Sang Choo
Sang Choo, Y.
Chooo, Y.S.
Choo, Y.
Choo, Yoo Sang
Choo, Y.S.
Choo, Y.-S.

Results 1-20 of 131 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12000A decision support system for heavy liftChoo, Y.S. ; Ju, F. ; Li, L.; Li, M.
1222013A load-deformation formulation for CHS X- and K-joints in push-over analysesQian, X. ; Zhang, Y.; Choo, Y.S. 
1232013A load-deformation formulation with fracture representation based on the J-R curve for tubular jointsQian, X. ; Zhang, Y.; Choo, Y.S. 
1242007A uniform approach for the design of 100% CHS overlap jointsQian, X. ; Wardenier, J.; Choo, Y.S. 
1256-Mar-2009Active control of flexible marine risersHow, B.V.E. ; Ge, S.S. ; Choo, Y.S. 
1262006Adaptive control of hydrodynamic loads in splash zoneHow, B.V.E. ; Ge, S.S. ; Choo, Y.S. 
127Dec-2002Advanced analysis for performance-based design of steel structures exposed to firesLiew, J.Y.R. ; Tang, L.K.; Choo, Y.S. 
128Aug-1998Advanced analysis for the assessment of steel frames in fireLiew, J.Y.R. ; Tang, L.K.; Holmaas, T.; Choo, Y.S. 
1292002An Automatic FE Mesh Generator for CHS Tubular JointsQian, X.D. ; Romeijn, A.; Wardenier, J.; Choo, Y.S. 
13022-Feb-2013Average Properties of the Largest Waves in Hurricane CamilleSanto, H.; Taylor, P.H.; Eatock Taylor, R. ; Choo, Y.S. 
1311997Axial strength of uniplanar X-joints reinforced by T-shaped ring-stiffenersvan der Vegte, G.J. ; Leray, D.H.; Choo, Y.S. 
122012Axially loaded Elliptical Hollow Section X joints, Part I: Experiments and numerical calibrationShen, W.; Choo, Y.S. ; Wardenier, J.; Van Der Vegte, G.J.; Packer, J.A.
132012Axially loaded Elliptical Hollow Section X joints, Part II: Results and analysisShen, W.; Wardenier, J.; Packer, J.A.; Choo, Y.S. ; Van Der Vegte, G.J.
14Sep-2010Boundary control of a coupled nonlinear flexible marine riserGe, S.S. ; He, W. ; Ee How, B.V. ; Choo, Y.S. 
152010Boundary control of a flexible marine installation systemGe, S.S. ; He, W.; Ren, B.; Choo, Y.S. 
162010Boundary control of a flexible marine riser with vessel dynamicsHe, W. ; Voon Ee How, B. ; Ge, S.S.; Choo, Y.S. 
17May-1997Characteristics of photopolymeric material used in rapid prototypes: Part I. Mechanical properties in the green stateCheah, C.M.; Nee, A.Y.C. ; Fuh, J.Y.H. ; Lu, L. ; Choo, Y.S. ; Miyazawa, T. 
18May-1997Characteristics of photopolymeric material used in rapid prototypes: Part II. Mechanical properties at post-cured stateCheah, C.M.; Fuh, J.Y.H. ; Nee, A.Y.C. ; Lu, L. ; Choo, Y.S. ; Miyazawa, T. 
191994Comparative study on theoretical and experimental strengths of Padeyes under in-plane loadsChoo, Y.S. ; Choi, K.C. ; Lee, K.H. 
20Nov-2010Comparison of uncertainty models in reliability analysis of offshore structures under marine corrosionZhang, M.Q.; Beer, M. ; Quek, S.T. ; Choo, Y.S.