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Xu Ye, David Hsu
Hsu, D.
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Results 1-20 of 54 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12011A computational and experimental study of the regulatory mechanisms of the complement systemLiu, B. ; Zhang, J.; Tan, P.Y.; Hsu, D. ; Blom, A.M.; Leong, B.; Sethi, S.; Ho, B.; Ding, J.L. ; Thiagarajan, P.S. 
22006A decompositional approach to parameter estimation in pathway modeling: A case study of the Akt and MAPK pathways and their crosstalkKoh, G.; Teong, H.F.C.; Clément, M.-V. ; Hsu, D. ; Thiagarajan, P.S. 
32004A fast filter for obstructed nearest neighbor queriesXia, C.; Hsu, D. ; Tung, A.K.H. 
42006A greedy strategy for tracking a locally predictable target among obstaclesBandyopadhyay, T.; Li, Y.; Ang Jr., M.H. ; Hsu, D. 
52008A point-based POMDP planner for target trackingHsu, D. ; Lee, W.S. ; Rong, N.
62004Adaptively combining multiple sampling strategies for probabilistic roadmap planningHsu, D. ; Sun, Z.
72005Algorithmic foundations of Robotics VIErdmann, M.; Hsu, D. ; Overmars, M.; van der Stappen, F.
82012Autonomy for mobility on demandChong, Z.J.; Qin, B.; Bandyopadhyay, T.; Wongpiromsarn, T.; Rebsamen, B.; Dai, P.; Kim, S.; Ang, M.H. ; Hsu, D. ; Rus, D.; Frazzoli, E.
92010Bounded uncertainty roadmaps for path planningGuibas, L.J.; Hsu, D. ; Kurniawati, H. ; Rehman, E.
102011CAPIR: Collaborative action planning with intention recognitionNguyen, T.-H.D.; Hsu, D. ; Lee, W.-S. ; Leong, T.-Y. ; Kaelbling, L.P.; Lozano-Perez, T.; Grant, A.H.
112011Component-based construction of bio-pathway models: The parameter estimation problemKoh, G.; Hsu, D. ; Thiagarajan, P.S. 
122007Composing globally consistent pathway parameter estimates through belief propagationKoh, G.; Tucker-Kellogg, L. ; Hsu, D. ; Thiagarajan, P.S. 
132012Computational models of protein kinematics and dynamics: Beyond simulationGipson, B.; Hsu, D. ; Kavraki, L.E.; Latombe, J.-C.
142013DESPOT: Online POMDP planning with regularizationSomani, A.; Ye, N. ; Hsu, D. ; Lee, W.S. 
152005Digital violin tutor: An integrated system for beginning violin learnersYin, J. ; Wang, Y. ; Hsu, D. 
162005Hybrid PRM sampling with a cost-sensitive adaptive strategyHsu, D. ; Sánchez-Ante, G.; Sun, Z.
172010Incremental signaling pathway modeling by data integrationKoh, G.; Hsu, D. ; Thiagarajan, P.S. 
182010Markov dynamic models for long-timescale protein motionChiang, T.-H.; Hsu, D. ; Latombe, J.-C.
192012Monte Carlo Bayesian reinforcement learningWang, Y.; Won, K.S. ; Hsu, D. ; Lee, W.S. 
202010Monte Carlo value iteration for continuous-state POMDPsBai, H.; Hsu, D. ; Lee, W.S. ; Ngo, V.A.