| | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 1021 | 2010 | Exploring patient experiences of cancer services in regional Australia | Drury, V.B. ; Inma, C. |
| 1022 | 2015 | Experimental autoimmune uveitis and other animal models of uveitis: An update | Bansal S; Barathi V.A ; Iwata D; Agrawal R. |
| 1023 | 2004 | Experience with the use of Baerveldt and Ahmed glaucoma drainage implants in an Asian population | Wang, J.-C.; Chew, P.T.K. ; See, J.L.S. |
| 4 | Nov-2005 | Experience with ARRAY multifocal lenses in a Singapore population | Wang, J.C.; Tan, A.W.T.; Monatosh, R.; Chew, P.T.K. |
| 5 | 1993 | Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy in Singapore--a new treatment modality for myopia. | Balakrishnan, V. ; Lim, A.S. ; Low, C.H.; Lee, C.P.; Tseng, P.S.; Chan, W.K.; Chan, T.K. ; Tan, J.; Tan, D. |
| 6 | Apr-1999 | Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy for the correction of myopia | Wee, T.L.; Chan, W.K.; Tseng, P.; Tan, D.; Balakrishnar, V. ; Low, C.H. |
| 7 | 2008 | Evidence of retinal vascular narrowing in glaucomatous eyes in an Asian population | Amerasinghe, N.; Aung, T. ; Saw, S.-M. ; Wong, T.Y. ; Cheung, N.; Wang, J.J.; Fong, C.W.; Mitchell, P. |
| 8 | 29-Jul-2008 | Evidence of arteriolar narrowing in low-birth-weight children | Mitchell, P.; Liew, G.; Rochtchina, E.; Wang, J.J.; Robaei, D.; Cheung, N.; Wong, T.Y. |
| 9 | 2016 | EVEREST study report 3: diagnostic challenges of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Lessons learnt from screening failures in the EVEREST study | Tan, C.S; Ngo, W.K; Lim, L.W; Tan, N.W ; Lim, T.H; on behalf of the EVEREST Study Group |
| 10 | 30-Mar-2005 | Evaluation of the risk factors for penetrating keratoplasty in Asian patients | PRATHIBA JANARDHANAN |
| 11 | 2018 | Evaluation of subconjunctival liposomal steroids for the treatment of experimental uveitis | Wong, C.W; Czarny, B; Metselaar, J.M; Ho, C; Ng, S.R; Barathi, A.V ; Storm, G; Wong, T.T |
| 12 | 2016 | Evaluation of presumably disease causing SCN1A variants in a cohort of common epilepsy syndromes | Lal D.; Reinthaler E.M.; Dejanovic B.; May P.; Thiele H.; Lehesjoki A.-E.; Schwarz G.; Riesch E.; Ikram M.A. ; Van Duijn C.M.; Uitterlinden A.G.; Hofman A.; Steinböck H.; Gruber-Sedlmayr U.; Neophytou B.; Zara F.; Hahn A.; Gormley P.; Becker F.; Weber Y.G.; Cilio M.R.; Kunz W.S.; Krause R.; Zimprich F.; Lemke J.R.; Nürnberg P.; Sander T.; Lerche H.; Neubauer B.A.; Palotie A.; Ruppert A.-K.; Suls A.; Siren A.; Koeleman B.; Haberlandt E.; Ronen G.M.; Caglayan H.; Hjalgrim H.; Muhle H.; Schulz H.; Helbig I.; Altmüller J.; Geldner J.; Schubert J.; Jabbari K.; Everett K.; Feucht M.; Balestri M.; Nothnagel M.; Striano P.; Møller R.S.; Nabbout R.; Balling R.; Baulac S.; Bianchi A.; La Neve A.; Minetti C.; Giuseppe C. |
| 13 | Mar-2007 | Evaluation of Keratoconus in Asians: Role of Orbscan II and Tomey TMS-2 Corneal Topography | Lim, L.; Wei, R.H.; Chan, W.K.; Tan, D.T.H. |
| 14 | 2020 | Evaluation of intraocular pressure after water drinking test in patients with unilateral hemifacial spasm | Low, J.R.; Wong, C.W. ; Loo, J.L. ; Milea, D. ; Perera, S.A. ; Lee, Y.F.; Ng, S.R.; Baskaran, M. ; Nongpiur, M.E. ; Tow, S.L.C. |
| 15 | Oct-2007 | Evaluation of higher order ocular aberrations in patients with keratoconus | Lim, L.; Wei, R.H.; Chan, W.K.; Tan, D.T.H. |
| 16 | 13-Jan-2005 | Evaluate the optic nerve head of early open-angle glaucoma patients with high myopia using Heidelberg Retinal Tomography-II | ZHENG CE |
| 17 | Apr-2013 | Ethnic variation in the impact of metabolic syndrome components and chronic kidney disease | Sabanayagam, C.; Teo, B.W.; Tai, E.S.; Jafar, T.H.; Wong, T.Y. |
| 18 | Apr-2008 | Ethnic variability in retinal vessel caliber: A potential source of measurement error from ocular pigmentation?-The Sydney childhood eye study | Rochtchina, E.; Wang, J.J.; Taylor, B.; Wong, T.Y. ; Mitchell, P. |
| 19 | 2-Oct-2014 | Ethnic differences translate to inadequacy of high-risk screening for gestational diabetes mellitus in an Asian population: A cohort study | Chong Y.-S. ; Cai S. ; Lin H.; Soh S.E. ; Lee Y.-S. ; Leow M.K.S. ; Chan Y.-H. ; Chen L.; Holbrook J.D.; Tan K.-H.; Rajadurai V.S.; Yeo G.S.H.; Kramer M.S. ; Saw S.-M. ; Gluckman P.D. ; Godfrey K.M.; Kwek K.; Agarwal P.; Biswas A. ; Bong C.L.; Broekman B.F.P.; Yen Chan J.K. ; Chee C.Y.I.; Chen H.Y.H. ; Cheung Y.B. ; Chia A.; Chinnadurai A.; Chng C.K.; Chong M.-F.-F. ; Chong S.C. ; Chua M.C.; Ding C.M.; Finkelstein E.A. ; Fok D.; Fortier M.; Goh A.E.N.; Goh Y.T.D. ; Gooley J.J. ; Han W.M.; Hanson M.; Henry C.J. ; Hsu C.-Y. ; Inskip H.; Kapur J. ; Lau I.Y.-M.; Lee B.W. ; Lek N.; Lim S.K.; Low Y.-L.; Magiati I. ; Daniel L.M.; Meaney M.; Ngo C.; Naiduvaje K.; Pang W.W. ; Qiu A. ; Quah B.L.; Rauff M.; Rebello S.A. ; Richmond J.L.; Rifkin-Graboi A.; Shek L.P.-C. ; Sheppard A.; Shuter B.; Singh L. ; Stunkel W.; Su L.L. ; Teoh O.H.; Tint M.T. ; van Bever H.P.S. ; van Dam R.B. ; Wong I.B.Y. ; Wong P.C.; Yap F. |
| 20 | Feb-2014 | Ethnic differences in undercorrected refractive error in Asians | Pan, C.-W.; Chiang, P.P.-C.; Wong, T.Y. ; Zheng, Y.-F.; Chew, M.; Saw, S.-M. ; Lamoureux, E.L.; Cheng, C.-Y. |