Full Name
Nadkarni Nivedita Vikas
(not current staff)


Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12015A longitudinal study of non-motor symptom burden in Parkinson's disease after a transition to expert carePrakash K.M. ; Nadkarni N.V. ; Lye W.-K. ; Yong M.-H.; Chew L.-M.; Tan E.-K. 
22016Combining the new injury severity score with an anatomical polytrauma injury variable predicts mortality better than the new injury severity score and the injury severity score: A retrospective cohort studyWong, T.H ; Krishnaswamy, G; Nadkarni, N.V ; Nguyen, H.V ; Lim, G.H; Bautista, D.C.T ; Chiu, M.T; Chow, K.Y; Ong, M.E.H 
32015Control of blood pressure and risk attenuation: Post trial follow-up of randomized groupsJafar T.H. ; Jehan I.; Liang F. ; Barbier S.; Islam M.; Bux R.; Khan A.H.; Nadkarni N. ; Poulter N.; Chaturvedi N.; Ebrahim S.
42018Cost of Medical Care of Patients with Advanced Serious Illness in Singapore (COMPASS): Prospective cohort study protocolTeo, I ; Singh, R; Malhotra, C ; Ozdemir, S ; Dent, R.A ; Kumarakulasinghe, N.B; Yeo, W.L; Cheung, Y.B ; Malhotra, R ; Kanesvaran, R ; Yee, A.C.P ; Chan, N ; Wu, H.Y; Chin, S.M; Allyn, H.Y.M; Yang, G.M ; Neo, P.S.H ; Nadkarni, N.V ; Harding, R; Finkelstein, E.A 
52015Deterministic Tractography of the Nigrostriatal-Nigropallidal Pathway in Parkinson's DiseaseTan W.-Q.; Yeoh C.-S.; Rumpel H.; Nadkarni N. ; Lye W.-K. ; Tan E.-K. ; Chan L.-L. 
62016Impact of advance care planning on the care of patients with heart failure: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trialMalhotra C. ; Sim D.K.L.; Jaufeerally F.; Vikas N.N. ; Sim G.W.C.; Tan B.C.; Ng C.S.H.; Tho P.L.; Lim J.; Chuang C.Y.-T.; Fong F.H.M.; Liu J. ; Finkelstein E.A. 
72019Investigating the functional grip strength of elderly fallers in SingaporeMat Jais, I.S.; Nadkarni, N.V. ; NG, Y.S.; Seow, D.C.C.; Wong, T.H. 
82018One-year and three-year mortality prediction in adult major blunt trauma survivors: A National Retrospective Cohort AnalysisWong T.H. ; Nadkarni N.V. ; Nguyen H.V. ; Lim G.H. ; Matchar D.B. ; Seow D.C.C. ; King N.K.K. ; Ong M.E.H. 
92015Ten-year longitudinal study of factors influencing nocturnal asthma symptoms among Asian patients in primary careTan, N.C ; Nadkarni, N.V ; Lye, W.K ; Sankari, U; Nguyen, V.H
102019The characteristics of patients associated with high caregiver burden in Parkinson's disease in SingaporeTan, M.M.J.; Lim, E.C.; Nadkarni, N.V. ; Lye, W.K.; Tan, E.K.; Kumar, M.P.
112016The effect of availability of manpower on trauma resuscitation times in a Tertiary Academic HospitalTan T.X.Z.; Quek N.X.E.; Koh Z.X.; Nadkarni N. ; Singaram K.; Ho A.F.W.; Ong M.E.H. ; Wong T.H. 
121-Dec-2019The impact of levodopa therapy-induced complications on quality of life in Parkinson’s disease patients in SingaporeWu, J; Lim, EC; Nadkarni, NV ; Tan, EK ; Kumar, PM 
132016The impact of non-motor symptoms on the quality of life of Parkinson's disease patients: A longitudinal studyPrakash K.M. ; Nadkarni N.V. ; Lye W.-K. ; Yong M.-H.; Tan E.-K. 
142015The low fall as a surrogate marker of frailty predicts long-term mortality in older trauma patientsWong T.H. ; Nguyen H.V. ; Chiu M.T.; Chow K.Y.; Ong M.E.H. ; Lim G.H. ; Nadkarni N.V. ; Bautista D.C.T. ; Cheng J.Y.X.; Loo L.M.A.; Seow D.C.C.
152019The price of personal mobility: Burden of injury and mortality from personal mobility devices in Singapore - A nationwide cohort studyTan, A.L.; Chong, C.K..; Hassan, H.B..; Koh, S..; Li, Y..; Lin, K..; Sani, N.B..; Ng, P..; Cha Sow King, C..; Goo, T.T..; Lim, W.W..; Liu, M..; Patel, S..; Toh, H.C..; Lim, S.T..; Lim, T.Z..; Loo, L.M.A..; Yeo, S.S.B..; Gardner, A..; Hwang, K.Y..; Nordin, N.A.B..; Liew, Y.K..; Pek, J.H..; Chong, P.L..; Mohamed Jainodin, N..; Goh, S.K..; Ng, C.F.J..; Peh, T.T.F..; Tan, M.H..; Wee, C.P.J..; Woo, Y.L..; Cheng, J.Y.X..; Go, K.T.S..; Goh, S.S.N..; Leong, X.Y..; Teo, L.-T..; Nadkarni, N. ; Wong, T.H.