Full Name
Tay Ywee Chieh
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Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
412016Beyond the coral triangle: High genetic diversity and near panmixia in Singapore’s populations of the broadcast spawning sea star Protoreaster nodosusTay Y.C. ; Chng M.W.P.; Sew W.W.G.; Rheindt F.E. ; Tun K.P.P.; Meier R. 
21-Dec-2019Effects of macroalgal morphology on marine epifaunal diversityGan Su Xuan; TAY YWEE CHIEH ; Huang Danwei 
31-Jan-2021Environmental DNA detection of the invasive mussel Mytella strigata as a surveillance toolYip, Zhi Ting ; Lim, Chin Sing ; Tay, Ywee Chieh ; Tan, Yong; Beng, Stephen; Tun, Karenne; Teo, Serena ; Huang, Danwei 
42019From marine park to future genomic observatory? Enhancing marine biodiversity assessments using a biocode approachIp, Y.C.A. ; Tay, Y.C. ; Gan, S.X.; Ang, H.P.; Tun, K.; Chou, L.M. ; Huang, D. ; Meier, R. 
51-Jan-2018MOLECULAR AND ANATOMICAL ANALYSES REVEAL THAT PERONIA VERRUCULATA (GASTROPODA: ONCHIDIIDAE) IS A CRYPTIC SPECIES COMPLEXChang, Jia Jin Marc ; Tay, Ywee Chieh ; Ang, Hui Ping; Tun, Karenne Phyu Phyu; Chou, Loke Ming ; Meier, Rudolf ; Huang, Danwei 
62016Next-generation freshwater bioassessment: eDNA metabarcoding with a conserved metazoan primer reveals species-rich and reservoir-specific communitiesLim N.K.M.; Tay Y.C. ; Srivathsan A. ; Tan J.W.T.; Kwik J.T.B. ; Balo?lu B.; Meier R. ; Yeo D.C.J. 
720-Mar-2018Next-Generation Sequencing Identification Tools for Nee Soon freshwater swamp forest, SingaporeSUJATHA NARAYANAN KUTTY ; WENDY WANG; ANG YUCHEN ; TAY YWEE CHIEH ; JONATHAN HO KIT IAN ; MEIER,RUDOLF 
82020Reproduction in urbanised coastal waters: Shallowwater sea anemones (Entacmaea quadricolor and Stichodactyla haddoni) maintain high genetic diversity and panmixiaChan, W.W.R.; Tay, Y.C. ; Ang, H.P.; Tun, K.; Chou, L.M. ; Huang, D. ; Meier, R. 
92018Roads to isolation: Similar genomic history patterns in two species of freshwater crabs with contrasting environmental tolerances and range sizesTay, Y.C ; Ng, D.J.J; Loo, J.B; Huang, D ; Cai, Y; Yeo, D.C.J ; Meier, R 
1021-Nov-2020Seeking life in sedimented waters: Environmental DNA from diverse habitat types reveals ecologically significant species in a tropical marine environmentIP YIN CHEONG ; TAY YWEE CHIEH ; CHANG JIA JIN, MARC ; Ang, Hui Ping; Tun, Karenne Phyu Phyu; CHOU LOKE MING ; Huang Danwei ; MEIER,RUDOLF 
1123-Jul-2021The different fates of two Asian horseshoe crab species with different dispersal abilitiesTang, Qian ; Shingate, Prashant; Wardiatno, Yusli; John, Akbar; Boon Hui Tay; Tay, Ywee Chieh ; Yap, Laura-Marie; Lim, Jasmin; Tong, Hor Yee; Tun, Karenne; Venkatesh, Byrappa ; Rheindt, Frank E. 
1219-Feb-2024The intestinal digesta microbiota of tropical marine fish is largely uncultured and distinct from surrounding water microbiotaSoh, Melissa; Tay, Ywee Chieh ; Lee, Co Sin ; Low, Adrian; Orban, Laszlo ; Jaafar, Zeehan ; Seedorf, Henning