Full Name
David John Nott
Nott, D.
Nott David
Nott, David John
Nott, D.J.


Results 1-20 of 44 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12010A sign based loss approach to model selection in nonparametric regressionNott, D.J. ; Jialiang, L. 
22014A stepwise likelihood ratio test procedure for rare variant selection in case-control studiesKuk, A.Y.C.; Nott, D.J. ; Yang, Y.
319-Feb-2019Accelerating Bayesian Synthetic Likelihood With the Graphical LassoDavid Nott 
42010Analysis of clustered binary data with unequal cluster sizes: A semiparametric bayesian approachNott, D.J. ; Kuk, A.Y.C. 
52018Approximation of Bayesian predictive p-values with regression ABCNott, D.J. ; Drovandi, C.C.; Mengersen, K.; Evans, M.
618-Mar-2021Assessment and adjustment of approximate inference algorithms using the law of total varianceXuejun Yu; David Nott ; Minh-Ngoc Tran; Nadja Klein
72014Bayesian adaptive LassoLeng, C. ; Tran, M.-N.; Nott, D. 
816-Aug-2019Bayesian Deep Net GLM and GLMMMinh-Ngoc Tran; Nghia Nguyen; David Nott ; Robert Kohn
92015Bayesian estimation of varying-coefficient models with missing data, with application to the Singapore Longitudinal Aging StudyHuang Zhipeng; Li Jialiang ; Nott David ; Feng Lei ; Ng Tze Pin ; Wong Tien Yin 
1011-Jul-2022Bayesian inference using synthetic likelihood: asymptotics and adjustmentsDavid Frazier; David J Nott ; Christopher C Drovandi; Robert J Kohn
111-Dec-2010Bayesian projection approaches to variable selection in generalized linear modelsNott, D.J. ; Leng, C. 
1231-Jul-2017Bayesian Synthetic LikelihoodLeah Price; Christopher Drovandi; Anthony Lee; David Nott 
13Jun-2007Coefficient sign prediction methods for model selectionNott, D.J. ; Kuk, A.Y.C. 
142009Confidence interval for the bootstrap P-value and sample size calculation of the bootstrap testLi, J. ; Tai, B.C. ; Nott, D.J. 
151-Feb-2011Efficient MCMC schemes for computationally expensive posterior distributionsFielding, M. ; Nott, D.J. ; Liong, S.-Y. 
1621-Nov-2023Flexible Variational Bayes based on a Copula of a MixtureDavid Gunawan; Robert J Kohn; David J Nott 
175-Jun-2018Gaussian Variational Approximation With a Factor Covariance StructureVictor Ong ; David Nott ; Michael Smith
182012Generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) and approximate Bayesian computation: What's the connection?Nott, D.J. ; Marshall, L.; Brown, J.
19Dec-2012Generalized smooth finite mixturesVillani, M.; Kohn, R.; Nott, D.J. 
2020-Apr-2020High-dimensional Copula Variational Approximation through TransformationMichael Smith; Ruben Loaiza-Maya; David Nott