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Lin Fujiang
(not current staff)
Lin, F.
Lin, Fujiang
Lin, F.-J.
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Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
120-Dec-2002A fast and practical approach to the determination of junction temperature and thermal resistance for BJT/HBT devicesOoi, B.L. ; Chen, B. ; Lin, F. ; Kooi, P.S. ; Hui, C.S. 
2Sep-1998A GaAs upconverter MMIC with an automatic gain control amplifier for 1.9 GHz PHSMa, H.; Fang, S.J. ; Lin, F. ; Tan, K.-S.; Shibata, J.; Tamura, A.; Nakamura, H.
3Sep-2002An improved prediction of series resistance in spiral inductor modeling with Eddy-current effectOoi, B.-L. ; Xu, D.-X.; Kooi, P.-S. ; Lin, F.-J. 
41999Characterization of coplanar waveguides on MCM-D silicon substrateLiu, L. ; Lin, F. ; Kooi, P.S. ; Leong, M.S. 
51999Construct GaAs FET dc model from drain-port dc power and conductanceLiu, L. ; Lin, F. ; Kooi, P.S. ; Leong, M.S. 
61997Extraction of bias-dependent source and gate resistance from measured S-parameters under all bias conditionsLin, F. ; Cao, J.; Kooi, P.S. ; Leong, M.S. 
7Jul-1994FET model parameter extraction based on optimization with multiplane data-fitting and bidirectional search - a new conceptLin, Fujiang ; Kompa, Guenter
8Jul-2003Local scalable description of global characteristics of various on-chip asymmetrically octagonal inductorsYin, W.-Y. ; Pan, S.J.; Li, L.-W. ; Gan, Y.-B. ; Lin, F. 
91997New empirical model for GaAs FET in nonlinear circuit simulationCao, J.; Lin, F. ; Kooi, P.S. ; Leong, M.S. 
109-Jan-2024Rigid-flexible Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna Using Modular Elements for L-band Space ApplicationsGong Chen ; Peizhuo Yang; Fujiang Lin ; Koenraad Mouthaan 
1113-Feb-2024X-Band Receiving Phased Array with Digital Beamforming Using RFSoCGong Chen; Yang Peizhuo; Fujiang Lin ; Koenraad Mouthaan