Full Name
Shuzhi Ge
Shuzhi, S.G.
Ge, Shuzhi Sam
Shuzhi Sam, G.
Ge, S.-Z.
Sam Ge, S.
Ge, S.S.
Ge, S.
Sam, G.S.
Ge, Shuzhi S.
Shuzhi Sam Ge

Results 201-220 of 557 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
201Jul-2008Correction to "Adaptive NN control for a class of strict-feedback discrete-time nonlinear systems" (DOI:10.1016/S0005-1098(03)00032-3)Ge, S.S. ; Li, G.Y.; Lee, T.H. 
20211-Apr-2012Cortical brain imaging by adaptive filtering of NIRS signalsAqil, M.; Hong, K.-S.; Jeong, M.-Y.; Ge, S.S. 
31994Decentralised adaptive control of flexible joint robotsGe, S.S. ; Allwright, J.C.; Besant, C.B.
42008Decentralized Å3ström-Wittenmark self-tuning regulator of a multi-agent uncertain coupled ARMAX systemMa, H. ; Lum, K.-Y. ; Ge, S.S. 
52009Decentralized cooperative control for swarm agents with high-order dynamicsRen, B. ; Pei, H.; Sun, Z.; Ge, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. 
62005Delay-independent sliding mode control of nonlinear time-delay systemsHong, F. ; Ge, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. 
7Nov-2005Design and analysis of a general recurrent neural network model for time-varying matrix inversionZhang, Y. ; Ge, S.S. 
82012Design and development of a wearable rehabilitation robotHe, W.; Ge, S.S. ; Guo, W.; Zhao, Z.; Zhang, J.; Xiao, S.; Nuraisha, F.P.Q.
92011Design and development of Nancy, a social robotGe, S.S. ; Cabibihan, J.J. ; Zhang, Z.; Li, Y.; Meng, C.; He, H.; Safizadeh, M.R.; Li, Y.B.; Yang, J.
101998Design and performance analysis of a direct adaptive controller for feedback linearizable systemsZhang, T.; Ge, S.S. ; Hang, C.C. 
11Nov-1999Design and performance analysis of a direct adaptive controller for nonlinear systemsZhang, T.; Ge, S.S. ; Hang, C.C. 
122007Detectability in games of pursuit evasion with antagonizing playersGe, S.S. ; Ma, H. ; Lum, K.-Y. 
132007Detection of epileptic spike-wave discharges using SVMPan, Y.; Ge, S.S. ; Tang, F.R.; Al Mamun, A. 
1415-Oct-2012Detection of event-related hemodynamic response to neuroactivation by dynamic modeling of brain activityAqil, M.; Hong, K.-S.; Jeong, M.-Y.; Ge, S.S. 
152008Detection of seizures in EEG signal using weighted locally linear embedding and SVM classifierPan, Y.; Ge, S.S. ; Mamun, A.A. ; Tang, F.R.
162012Deterministic generation of the bell states via real-time quantum measurement-based feedbackVu, T.L.; Ge, S.S. ; Hang, C.C. 
17Nov-2004Direct adaptive control for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems using neural networksGe, S.S. ; Li, G.Y.; Zhang, J. ; Lee, T.H. 
182003Direct Adaptive Control for a Class of Multi-input and Multi-output Nonlinear Systems Using Neural NetworksGe, S.S. ; Li, G.Y.; Xi, N.
191998Direct adaptive control of non-affine nonlinear systems using multilayer neural networksZhang, T.; Ge, S.S. ; Hang, C.C. 
20Apr-1999Direct adaptive controller for dynamic systems with a class of nonlinear parameterizationsGe, S.S. ; Hang, C.C. ; Zhang, T.