Full Name
Khay Guan Yeoh
Yeoh, K.G.
Yeoh K.G
Yeoh, K.-G.
Yeoh, Khay Guan Uan


Results 101-110 of 110 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1011998The effect of test duration on the sensitivity and specificity of ultra- rapid urease test for the detection of Helicobacter pylori infectionHo, K.Y. ; Kang, J.Y.; Lim, T.P.; Yeoh, K.G. ; Wee, A. 
1022009The response of Asian patients with functional dyspepsia to eradication of Helicobacter pylori infectionGwee, K.-A. ; Teng, L.; Ho, K.-Y. ; Yeoh, K.-G. ; Wong, R.-K.M.; Sutedja, D.-S.
1032000The status of the cagA gene does not predict Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease in SingaporeHua, J. ; Zheng, P.Y.; Ho, B. ; Yeoh, K.G. 
1042011Urgent endoscopy is associated with lower mortality in high-risk but not low-risk nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleedingLim, L.G.; Ho, K.Y. ; Chan, Y.H.; Teoh, P.L. ; Khor, C.J.L.; Lim, L.L.; Rajnakova, A.; Ong, T.Z.; Yeoh, K.G. 
105Jul-1998Validation of [13C]urea breath test for Helicobacter pylori using a simple gas chromatograph-mass selective detectorLee, H.-S. ; Gwee, K.A. ; Teng, L.-Y.; Kang, J.-Y. ; Yeoh, K.-G. ; Wee, A. ; Chua, B.-C.
1062008Validation of a graded response questionnaire for the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease in an asian primary care populationHo, K.Y. ; Yeoh, K.G. ; Gwee, K.A. ; Khor, J.L.; Selamat, D.S.
10714-Nov-2005Validation of four Helicobacter pylori rapid blood tests in a multi-ethnic Asian populationLim, L.-G.; Yeoh, K.-G. ; Ho, B. ; Lim, S.-G. 
1082009Validation of structured scoring using the la classification for esophagitis and endoscopically suspected Barrett's esophagus in a tertiary Asian endoscopy centerWong, R.-K.M.; Yeoh, K.-G. ; Gwee, K.-A.; Ho, K.-Y. ; Tay, H.-W.
1092012Validation of the functional assessment of cancer therapy-gastric module for the Chinese populationZhou H.J. ; So J.B. ; Yong W.P. ; Luo N. ; Zhu F. ; Naidoo N.; Li S.C.; Yeoh K.G. 
1102012Whole-genome reconstruction and mutational signatures in gastric cancerNagarajan N. ; Bertrand D.; Hillmer A.M.; Zang Z.J.; Yao F.; Jacques P.; Teo A.S.; Cutcutache I. ; Zhang Z.; Lee W.H.; Sia Y.Y.; Gao S.; Ariyaratne P.N.; Ho A.; Woo X.Y.; Veeravali L.; Ong C.K.; Deng N.; Desai K.V.; Khor C.C.; Hibberd M.L.; Shahab A.; Rao J.; Wu M.; Teh M. ; Zhu F. ; Chin S.Y.; Pang B. ; So J.B. ; Bourque G.; Soong R.; Sung W.-K. ; Tean Teh B.; Rozen S. ; Ruan X.; Yeoh K.G. ; Tan P.B. ; Ruan Y.