Full Name
Wing Kin Sung
(not current staff)
Sung, K.W.K.
Sung, W.K.
Sung, W.-K.K.
Sung W.-K
Kin, S.W.
Sung, K.W.-K.
Sung, W.-K.


Results 1-20 of 205 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Nov-20133D chromosome modeling with semi-definite programming and Hi-C dataZhang, Z.; Li, G.; Toh, K.-C. ; Sung, W.-K. 
22005A better gap penalty for Pairwise SVMChua, H.N.; Sung, W.-K. 
330-Jul-2021A chromosome-level genome assembly of Cairina moschata and comparative genomic analysesJiang, Fan; Jiang, Yaoxin; Wang, Wenxuan; Xiao, Changyi; Lin, Ruiyi; Xie, Tanghui; Sung, Wing-Kin ; Li, Shijun; Jakovli?, Ivan; Chen, Jianhai; Du, Xiaoyong
42006A correlated motif approach for finding short linear motifs from protein interaction networksTan, S.-H.; Hugo, W. ; Sung, W.-K. ; Ng, S.-K.
52006A faster and more space-efficient algorithm for inferring arc-annotations of RNA sequences through alignmentJansson, J. ; Ng, S.-K.; Sung, W.-K. ; Willy, H. 
62004A faster and more space-efficient algorithm for inferring Arc-annotations of RNA sequences through alignmentJansson, J. ; Ng, S.-K.; Sung, W.-K. ; Willy, H. 
72006A linear size index for approximate pattern matchingChan, H.-L.; Lam, T.-W.; Sung, W.-K. ; Tam, S.-L.; Wong, S.-S. 
82011A linear size index for approximate pattern matchingChan, H.-L.; Lam, T.-W.; Sung, W.-K. ; Tam, S.-L.; Wong, S.-S. 
92004A mutation-sensitive approach for locating conserved gene pairs between related speciesChan, H.L.; Lam, T.W.; Sung, W.K. ; Wong, P.W.H.; Yiu, S.M.
102010A signal-noise model for significance analysis of ChIP-seq with negative controlXu, H.; Handoko, L.; Wei, X.; Ye, C.; Sheng, J.; Wei, C.-L.; Lin, F.; Sung, W.-K. 
112007A space and time efficient algorithm for constructing compressed suffix arraysHon, W.-K.; Lam, T.-W.; Sadakane, K.; Sung, W.-K. ; Yiu, S.-M.
122005Adaptive control of hybridization noise in dna sequencing-by-hybridizationLeong, H.-W. ; Preparata, F.P.; Sung, W.-K. ; Willy, H. 
132010Adjacent nucleotide dependence in ncRNA and order-1 SCFG for ncRNA identificationWong, T.K.F.; Lam, T.-W.; Sung, W.-K. ; Yiu, S.-M.
142011Algorithms for building consensus MUL-treesCui, Y. ; Jansson, J.; Sung, W.-K. 
152005Algorithms for combining rooted triplets into a galled phylogenetic networkJansson, J. ; Nguyen, N.B.; Sung, W.-K. 
162006Algorithms for combining rooted triplets into a galled phylogenetic networkJansson, J. ; Nguyen, N.B.; Sung, W.-K. 
172013Algorithms for the majority rule (+) consensus tree and the frequency difference consensus treeJansson, J.; Shen, C.; Sung, W.-K. 
182005Allowing mismatches in anchors forwhole genome alignment: Generation and effectivenessYiu, S.M.; Chan, P.Y.; Lam, T.W.; Sung, W.K. ; Ting, H.F.; Wong, P.W.H.
192007An efficient strategy for extensive integration of diverse biological data for protein function predictionChua, H.N.; Sung, W.-K. ; Wong, L. 
202007An experimental study of compressed indexing and local alignments of DNALam, T.-W.; Sung, W.-K. ; Tam, S.-L.; Wong, C.-K.; Yiu, S.-M.