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(not current staff)
Tsang, S.W.Y.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
115-Jan-2010A serotoninergic basis for hyperphagic eating changes in Alzheimer's diseaseTsang, Shirley W ; Keene, Janet; Hope, Tony; Spence, Ian; Francis, Paul T; Wong, Peter T-H ; Chen, Christopher P ; Lai, Mitchell K 
21-Oct-2008Alterations in NMDA receptor subunit densities and ligand binding to glycine recognition sites are associated with chronic anxiety in Alzheimer's diseaseTsang, Shirley WY ; Vinters, Harry V; Cummings, Jeffrey L; Wong, Peter T-H ; Chen, Christopher PL-H ; Lai, Mitchell KP 
31-Feb-2011Differential involvement of hippocampal serotonin(1A) receptors and re-uptake sites in non-cognitive behaviors of Alzheimer's diseaseLai, Mitchell KP ; Tsang, Shirley W ; Esiri, Margaret M; Francis, Paul T; Wong, Peter T-H ; Chen, Christopher P 
41-Sep-2007Disrupted muscarinic M-1 receptor signaling correlates with loss of protein kinase C activity and glutamatergic deficit in Alzheimer's diseaseTsang, Shirley WY ; Pomakian, Justine; Marshall, Gad A; Vinters, Harry V; Cummings, Jeffrey L; Chen, Christopher PL-H ; Wong, Peter T-H ; Lai, Mitchell KP 
51-Jul-2003[H-3]GR113808 binding to serotonin 5-HT4 receptors in the postmortem neocortex of Alzheimer disease: A clinicopathological studyLai, MK ; Tsang, SW ; Francis, PT0; Esiri, MM; Hope, T; Lai, OF; Spence, I; Chen, CP 
61-Sep-2006Impaired coupling of muscarinic M-1 receptors to G-proteins in the neocortex is associated with severity of dementia in Alzheimer's diseaseTsang, Shirley WY ; Lai, Mitchell KP ; Kirvell, Sara; Francis, Paul T; Esiri, Margaret M; Hope, Tony; Chen, Christopher PL-H ; Wong, Peter T-H 
71-Jan-2008Involvement of an altered 5-HT6 receptor function in behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer's diseaseMarcos, Beatriz; Garcia-Alloza, Monica; Gil-Bea, Francisco J; Chuang, Tsu T; Francis, Paul T; Chen, Christopher P ; Tsang, Shirley WTY ; Lai, Mitchell KP ; Ramirez, Maria J
81-Aug-2006Involvement of the GABAergic system in depressive symptoms of Alzheimer's diseaseGarcia-Alloza, Monica; Tsang, Shirley W ; Gil-Bea, Francisco J; Francis, Paul T; Lai, Mitchell K ; Marcos, Beatriz; Chen, Christopher P ; Ramirez, Maria J
91-Jun-2008Loss of [H-3]4-DAMP binding to muscarinic receptors in the orbitofrontal cortex of Alzheimer's disease patients with psychosisTsang, SWY ; Francis, PT; Esiri, MM; Wong, PTH ; Chen, CPLH ; Lai, MKP 
101-May-2005Loss of serotonin 5-HT2A receptors in the postmortem temporal cortex correlates with rate of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's diseaseLai, MK ; Tsang, SW ; Alder, JT; Keene, J; Hope, T; Esiri, MM; Francis, PT; Chen, CP 
112-Jul-2002Postmortem serotoninergic correlates of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's diseaseLai, MKP ; Tsang, SWY ; Francis, PT; Keene, J; Hope, T; Esiri, MM; Spence, I; Chen, CPLH 
126-Jun-2003Reduced serotonin 5-HT1A receptor binding in the temporal cortex correlates with aggressive behavior in Alzheimer diseaseLai, MKP ; Tsang, SWY ; Francis, PT; Esiri, MM; Keene, J; Hope, T; Chen, CPLH 
131-Jun-2006Selective effects of the APOE epsilon 4 allele on presynaptic cholinergic markers in the neocortex of Alzheimer's diseaseLai, Mitchell KP ; Tsang, Shirley WY ; Garcia-Alloza, Monica; Minger, Stephen L; Nicoll, James AR; Esiri, Margaret M; Wong, Peter T-H ; Chen, Christopher PL-H ; Ramirez, Maria J; Francis, Paul T
1418-Jul-2003Serotonin transporters are preserved in the neocortex of anxious Alzheimer's disease patientsTsang, SWY ; Lai, MKP ; Francis, PT; Wong, PTH ; Spence, I; Esiri, MM; Keene, J; Hope, T; Chen, CPLH