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Title: Designing a rubric for reflection in nursing: A Legitimation Code Theory and Systemic Functional Linguistics-informed framework
Authors: Laetitia Monbec 
Namala Tilakaratna 
Mark Brooke 
Lydia Lau 
Yah Shih Chan 
Vivien Wu
Keywords: Nursing reflection tasks
analytical rubrics
data driven design
systemic functional linguistics
Legitimation Code Theory
Issue Date: 22-Dec-2020
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Citation: Laetitia Monbec, Namala Tilakaratna, Mark Brooke, Lydia Lau, Yah Shih Chan, Vivien Wu (2020-12-22). Designing a rubric for reflection in nursing: A Legitimation Code Theory and Systemic Functional Linguistics-informed framework. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 46 (8) : 1157-1172. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: This paper reports on an interdisciplinary pedagogical research project involving academic literacy experts and lecturers at a School of Nursing. Specifically, the paper focusses on the development of a data-driven analytical rubric to teach and assess critical reflections in year-one nursing. The purpose of the project was to support the teaching and evaluating of critical reflections of nursing students after their initial clinical placement. Rather than focusing on inter-rater reliability or on pedagogical uses of rubrics, this paper is concerned with the ways the criteria that constitute these rubrics were devised. The data involved 200 student assignments, the existing marking criteria and two focus groups with the nursing lecturers. We analysed the data using aspects of a linguistic theory, systemic functional linguistics, and elements of a sociological framework, Legitimation Code Theory, to understand what constitutes ‘deep reflection’ in clinical nursing practice. Our findings led to a revised analytical rubric which makes visible what is highly valued in nursing reflection tasks. We conclude with a data-driven analytical rubric design framework which involves the analysis of student assignments at various levels of achievement to reveal academic literacy and knowledge practices requirements of reflection tasks.
Source Title: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
ISSN: 0260-2938
DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2020.1855414
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