Full Name
Nicholas Iain James Paton
Main Affiliation


Refined By:
Date Issued:  [2000 TO 3000]
Department:  MEDICINE

Results 21-29 of 29 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212019Mapping the medical outcomes study HIV health survey (MOS-HIV) to the EuroQoL 5 Dimension (EQ-5D-3 L) utility indexShi, Y.; Thompson, J.; Walker, A.S.; Paton, N.I. ; Cheung, Y.B.; Agweng, E..; Awio, P..; Bakeinyaga, G..; Isabirye, C..; Kabuga, U..; Kasuswa, S..; Katuramu, M..; Kityo, C..; Kiweewa, F..; Kyomugisha, H..; Lutalo, E..; Mugyenyi, P..; Mulima, D..; Musana, H..; Musitwa, G..; Musiime, V..; Ndigendawan, M..; Namata, H..; Nkalubo, J..; Labejja, P.O..; Okello, P..; Olal, P..; Pimundu, G..; Segonga, P..; Ssali, F..; Tamale, Z..; Tumukunde, D..; Namala, W..; Byaruhanga, R..; Kayiwa, J..; Tukamushaba, J..; Abunyang, S..; Eram, D..; Denis, O..; Lwalanda, R..; Mugarura, L..; Namusanje, J..; Nankya, I..; Ndashimye, E..; Nabulime, E..; Mulima, D..; Senfuma, O..; Bihabwa, G..; Buluma, E..; Easterbrook, P..; Elbireer, A..; Kambugu, A..; Kamya, D..; Katwere, M..; Kiggundu, R..; Komujuni, C..; Laker, E..; Lubwama, E..; Mambule, I..; Matovu, J..; Nakajubi, A..; Nakku, J..; Nalumenya, R..; Namuyimbwa, L..; Semitala, F..; Wandera, B..; Wanyama, J..; Mugerwa, H..; Lugemwa, A..; Ninsiima, E..; Ssenkindu, T..; Mwebe, S..; Atwine, L..; William, H..; Katemba, C..; Abunyang, S..; Acaku, M..; Ssebutinde, P..; Kitizo, H..; Kukundakwe, J..; Naluguza, M..; Ssegawa, K..; Nsibuka, F..; Tuhirirwe, P..; Fortunate, M..; Acen, J..; Achidri, J..; Amone, A..; Chamai, M..; Ditai, J..; Kemigisa, M..; Kiconco, M..; Matama, C..; Mbanza, D..; Nambaziira, F..; Odoi, M.O..; Rweyora, A..; Tumwebaze, G..; Kalanzi, H..; Katabaazi, J..; Kiyingi, A..; Mbidde, M..; Mugenyi, M..; Mwebaze, R..; Okong, P..; Senoga, I..; Abwola, M..; Baliruno, D..; Bwomezi, J..; Kasede, A..; Mudoola, M..; Namisi, R..; Ssennono, F..; Tuhirwe, S..; Abongomera, G..; Amone, G..; Abach, J..; Aciro, I..; Arach, B..; Kidega, P..; Omongin, J..; Ocung, E..; Odong, W..; Philliam, A..; Alima, H..; Ahimbisibwe, B..; Atuhaire, E..; Atukunda, F..; Bekusike, G..; Bulegyeya, A..; Kahatano, D..; Kamukama, S..; Kyoshabire, J..; Nassali, A..; Mbonye, A..; Naturinda, T.M..; Nshabohurira, A..; Ntawiha, H..; Rogers, A..; Tibyasa, M..; Kiirya, S..; Atwongyeire, D..; Nankya, A..; Draleku, C..; Nakiboneka, D..; Odoch, D..; Lakidi, L..; Ruganda, R..; Abiriga, R..; Mulindwa, M..; Balmoi, F..; Kafuma, S..; Moriku, E..; Hakim, J..; Reid, A..; Chidziva, E..; Musoro, G..; Warambwa, C..; Tinago, G..; Mutsai, S..; Phiri, M..; Mudzingwa, S..; Bafana, T..; Masore, V..; Moyo, C..; Nhema, R..; Chitongo, S..; Heyderman, R..; Kabanga, L..; Kaunda, S..; Kudzala, A..; Lifa, L..; Mallewa, J..; Moore, M..; Mtali, C..; Musowa, G..; Mwimaniwa, G..; Sikwese, R..; Van Oosterhout, J..; Ziwoya, M..; Chimbaka, H..; Chitete, B..; Kamanga, S..; Makwakwa, T.K.E..; Mbiya, R..; Mlenga, M..; Mphande, T..; Mtika, C..; Mushani, G..; Ndhlovu, O..; Ngonga, M..; Nkhana, I..; Nyirenda, R..; Cheruiyot, P..; Kwobah, C..; Ekiru, W.L..; Mokaya, M..; Mudogo, A..; Nzioka, A..; Siika, A..; Tanui, M..; Wachira, S..; Wools-Kaloustian, K..; Alipalli, P..; Chikatula, E..; Kipaila, J..; Kunda, I..; Lakhi, S..; Malama, J..; Mufwambi, W..; Mulenga, L..; Mwaba, P..; Mwamba, E..; Mweemba, A..; Namfukwe, M..; Kerukadho, E..; Ngwatu, B..; Birungi, J..; Paton, N..; Boles, J..; Burke, A..; Castle, L..; Ghuman, S..; Kendall, L..; Hoppe, A..; Tebbs, S..; Thomason, M..; Thompson, J..; Walker, S..; Whittle, J..; Wilkes, H..; Young, N..; Kapuya, C..; Kyomuhendo, F..; Kyakundi, D..; Mkandawire, N..; Mulambo, S..; Senyonjo, S..; Angus, B..; Arenas-Pinto, A..; Palfreeman, A..; Post, F..; Ishola, D..; Arribas, J..; Colebunders, R..; Floridia, M..; Giuliano, M..; Mallon, P..; Walsh, P..; De Rosa, M..; Rinaldi, E..; Weller, I..; Gilks, C..; Hakim, J..; Kangewende, A..; Lakhi, S..; Luyirika, E..; Miiro, F..; Mwamba, P..; Mugyenyi, P..; Ojoo, S..; Paton, N. ; Phiri, S..; Van Oosterhout, J..; Siika, A..; Walker, S..; Wapakabulo, A..; Peto, T..; French, N..; Matenga, J..; Cloherty, G..; Van Wyk, J..; Norton, M..; Lehrman, S..; Lamba, P..; Malik, K..; Rooney, J..; Snowden, W..; Villacian, J..
2230-Apr-2013Neurocognitive Function in HIV Infected Patients on Antiretroviral TherapyWinston, A.; Arenas-Pinto, A.; Stöhr, W.; Fisher, M.; Orkin, C.M.; Aderogba, K.; De Burgh-Thomas, A.; O'Farrell, N.; Lacey, C.J.N.; Leen, C.; Dunn, D.; Paton, N.I. 
232014Neurocognitive function in HIV-infected patients: Comparison of two methods to define impairmentArenas-Pinto A.; Winston A.; Stöhr W.; Day J.; Wiggins R.; Quah S.P.; Ainsworth J.; Fleck S.; Dunn D.; Accoroni A.; Paton N.I. 
2416-Nov-2023Optimizing the TRUNCATE strategy to further improve outcomes from two-month treatment for rifampicin-susceptible tuberculosis: Health economics presentationSchaffer, Elisabeth ; Prem, Kiesha ; Sari, Intan; Wee, Hwee Lin ; Paton, Nicholas Iain James 
252020Perceptions and acceptability of digital interventions among tuberculosis patients in Cambodia: Qualitative study of video-based directly observed therapyRabinovich, L.; Molton, J.S. ; Ooi, Wei Tsang ; Paton, N.I. ; Batra, S.; Yoong, J. 
262003Persistence of W135 Neisseria meningitidis carriage in returning Hajj pilgrims: Risk for early and late transmission to household contactsWilder-Smith, A; Barkham, T. ; Ravindran, S.; Earnest, A.; Paton, N.I. 
272020Preliminary effects of a mobile interactive supervised therapy intervention on people living with HIV: Pilot randomized controlled trialPang, Y.; Molton, J.S. ; Ooi, W.T. ; Paton, N.I. ; He, H.-G. 
282020Study Protocol for Doxycycline and the modulation of host immunopathology in human pulmonary tuberculosis: A pilot studyCATHERINE ONG WEI MIN ; NICHOLAS IAIN JAMES PATON ; FELICIA TEO SU WEI ; Alvin Wang Dingyuan; Wang Yee Tang; Cynthia Chee; Gan Suay Hong; Thomas Dick; Paul Elkington; Jon Friedland
92019Sub-clinical abnormalities detected by PET/MRI in household tuberculosis contactsMolton, J.S ; Thomas, B.A; Pang, Y; Khor, L.K; Hallinan, J; Naftalin, C.M; Totman, J.J ; Townsend, D.W ; Lim, T.K ; Chee, C.B.E; Wang, Y.T; Paton, N.I