Full Name
Shuzhi Ge
Shuzhi, S.G.
Ge, Shuzhi Sam
Shuzhi Sam, G.
Ge, S.-Z.
Sam Ge, S.
Ge, S.S.
Ge, S.
Sam, G.S.
Ge, Shuzhi S.
Shuzhi Sam Ge

Results 101-120 of 557 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1012009Adaptive neural network tracking control of MIMO nonlinear systems with unknown dead zones and control directionsZhang, T.; Ge, S.S. 
1022008Adaptive neural networks control for a class of pure-feedback systems in discrete-timeGe, S.S. ; Yang, C.G.; Lee, T.H. 
1032005Adaptive neural-fuzzy control of uncertain nonholonomic systemsWang, Z.P. ; Ge, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. 
1042005Adaptive neuro-fuzzy control of non-affine nonlinear systemsJia, L. ; Ge, S.S. ; Chiu, M.-S. 
1052008Adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller design for non-affine nonlinear systemsJia, L.; Ge, S.-Z. ; Qiu, M.-S.
1062004Adaptive neuro-fuzzy identification method of hammerstein modelJia, L. ; Chiu, M.-S. ; Ge, S.S. ; Wang, Z. 
10710-Mar-2003Adaptive NN control for a class of discrete-time non-linear systemsGe, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. ; Li, G.Y.; Zhang, J. 
1082002Adaptive NN control for a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems based on input-output modelGe, S.S. ; Li, G.Y.; Lee, T.H. 
1092007Adaptive nn control for a class of non-affine nonlinear systems with unknown control gainRen, B. ; Ge, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. 
110May-2003Adaptive NN control for a class of strict-feedback discrete-time nonlinear systemsGe, S.S. ; Li, G.Y.; Lee, T.H. 
1112001Adaptive NN control for a class of strict-feedback discrete-time nonlinear systems via backsteppingGe, S.S. ; Li, G.Y.; Lee, T.H. 
1122000Adaptive NN control of dynamic systems with unknown dynamic frictionGe, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. ; Wang, J. 
1132001Adaptive NN control of partially known nonlinear strict-feedback systemsGe, S.S. ; Wang, C.
1142007Adaptive NN control of strict-feedback systems using ISS-modular approachRen, B. ; Ge, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. 
1152004Adaptive NN control of uncertain nonholonomic systems in chained formWang, Z.P. ; Ge, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. 
116Apr-2002Adaptive NN control of uncertain nonlinear pure-feedback systemsGe, S.S. ; Wang, C.
1172002Adaptive NN impedance control of constrained mechanical systemsWang, Z.P. ; Ge, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. 
1182010Adaptive NN tracking control of overactuated ocean surface vesselsChen, M.; Ge, S.S. ; Cui, R. 
1192013Adaptive optimal control for linear discrete time-varying systemsGe, S.S. ; Wang, C.; Li, Y.; Lee, T.H. ; Ang Jr., M.H. 
1201998Adaptive output feedback control for general nonlinear systems using multilayer neural networksZhang, T.; Ge, S.S. ; Hang, C.C.