Full Name
Penney, Trevor Bruce
(not current staff)
Penney, T.
Penney, T.B.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-20 of 26 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2008Categorical scaling of duration bisection in pigeons (Columba livia), Mice (Mus musculus), and humans (Homo sapiens): Research articlePenney, T.B. ; Gibbon, J.; Meck, W.H.
2Dec-2011Contingent negative variation and its relation to time estimation: A theoretical evaluationvan Rijn, H.; Kononowicz, T.W.; Meck, W.H.; Ng, K.K.; Penney, T.B. 
32016Detecting temporal change in dynamic sounds: On the role of stimulus duration, speed, and emotionSchirmer, A ; Escoffier, N ; Cheng, X; Feng, Y; Penney, T.B 
42009Duration magnitude and memory resource demandNg, K.-K.; Soh, Y.H.; Penney, T.B. ; Yip, P.P.Y.
52011Emotion effects on timing: Attention versus pacemaker accountsLui, M.A. ; Penney, T.B. ; Schirmer, A. 
62017Familiarity detection is an intrinsic property of cortical microcircuits with bidirectional synaptic plasticityZhang X. ; Ju H. ; Penney T.B. ; VanDongen A.M.J. 
74-Sep-2013Humans Process Dog and Human Facial Affect in Similar WaysSchirmer, A. ; Seow, C.S.; Penney, T.B. 
815-Jul-2008On the functional role of temporal and frontal cortex activation in passive detection of auditory devianceTse, C.-Y.; Penney, T.B. 
92008On the functional role of temporal and frontal cortex activation in passive detection of auditory devianceTse, C.-Y.; Penney, T.B. 
102009Perception of tone and aspiration contrasts in Chinese children with dyslexiaCheung, H.; Chung, K.K.H.; Wong, S.W.L.; McBride-Chang, C.; Penney, T.B. ; Ho, C.S.H.
11Nov-2011Perceptual and conceptual priming of environmental soundsSchirmer, A. ; Soh, Y.H.; Penney, T.B. ; Wyse, L. 
12Jul-2007Preattentive change detection using the event-related optical signalTse, C.-Y.; Penney, T.B. 
132007Preattentive change detection using the event-related optical signalTse, C.-Y.; Penney, T.B. 
142006Preattentive timing of empty intervals is from marker offset to onsetTse, C.-Y.; Penney, T.B. 
152008Prenatal-choline supplementation differentially modulates timing of auditory and visual stimuli in aged ratsCheng, R.-K.; Scott, A.C.; Williams, C.L.; Meck, W.H.; Penney, T.B. 
1627-Oct-2008Prenatal-choline supplementation differentially modulates timing of auditory and visual stimuli in aged ratsCheng, R.-K.; Scott, A.C.; Penney, T.B. ; Williams, C.L.; Meck, W.H.
172007Sensory modality and time perception in children and adultsDroit-Volet, S.; Meck, W.H.; Penney, T.B. 
182017Separate requirements for detection and perceptual stability of motion in interocular suppressionAnanyev, E ; Penney, T.B ; Hsieh, P.-J.B 
19May-2010Speech Perception, Metalinguistic Awareness, Reading, and Vocabulary in Chinese-English Bilingual ChildrenCheung, H.; Chung, K.K.H.; Wong, S.W.L.; McBride-Chang, C.; Penney, T.B. ; Ho, C.S.H.
202017Spread spectrum time-resolved diffuse optical measurement system for enhanced sensitivity in detecting human brain activityMehta, K ; Hasnain, A ; Zhou, X; Luo, J; Penney, T.B ; Chen, N