Full Name
Benmei Chen
(not current staff)
Chen, B.M.
Chen, B.-M.
Chen, B.
Chen, Ben M.
Chen Ben, M.


Results 201-220 of 235 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012006Self-sensing actuation for nanopositioning and active-mode damping in dual-stage HDDsPang, C.K.; Guo, G.; Chen, B.M. ; Lee, T.H. 
2Sep-2008Servo control design for a high TPI servo track writer with microactuatorsThum, C.K.; Du, C.; Zhang, J.; Tan, K.P.; Chen, B.M. ; Ong, E.H.
3Jan-1995Simple algorithm for the stable/unstable decomposition of a linear discrete-time systemChen, Ben M. 
4Apr-1995Simultaneous finite- and infinite-zero assignments of linear systemsChen, B.M. ; Da-Zhong, Z.
5Nov-1993Simultaneous H2 H∞ optimal control. The state feedback caseSaberi, A.; Chen, B.M. ; Sannuti, P.; Ly, U.-L.
61998Simultaneous H2/H∞ optimal control for discrete-time systems: The state feedback caseLin, Z.; Chen, B.M. ; Saberi, A.; Ly, U.-L.
7Jun-2007Singular perturbation control for vibration rejection in HDDS using the PZT active suspension as fast subsystem observerPang, C.K. ; Lewis, F.L.T.; Ge, S.S. ; Guo, X.; Chen, B.M. ; Lee, T.H.
82006Singular perturbation control for vibration rejection in HDDs with a PZT active suspensionPang, C.K. ; Lewis, F.L.; Ge, S.S. ; Guo, X.; Chen, B.M. ; Lee, T.H. 
91999Solutions to disturbance decoupling problem with constant measurement feedback for linear systemsChen, Ben M. ; Mareels, Iven M.Y. ; Zheng, Yu Fan; Zhang, Cishen
10Nov-2000Solutions to disturbance decoupling problem with constant measurement feedback for linear systemsChen, B.M. ; Mareels, I.M.Y.; Zheng, Y.; Zhang, C.
11Aug-2000Solutions to general H ∞ almost disturbance decoupling problem with measurement feedback and internal stability for discrete-time systemsLin, Z.; Chen, B.M. 
121998Solutions to general H∞ almost disturbance decoupling problem with measurement feedback and internal StabilityChen, B.M. ; Lin, Z.; Hangt, C.C.
1320-Jul-2000Solvability conditions and solutions to perfect regulation problem under measurement output feedbackChen, B.M. ; Liu, K.; Lin, Z.
1410-Sep-1997Solvability conditions for disturbance decoupling problems with static measurement feedbackChen, B.M. 
15Aug-2011Special issue on development of autonomous unmanned aerial vehiclesChen, C.; Chen, B.M. ; Lee, T.H. 
162012Stability analysis for uncertain linear systems with random parametersLi, X.; Lin, H.; Lian, J.; Chen, B.M. 
172012Structural analysis of a helicopter dynamic model using the special coordinate basis decompositionWang, B. ; Chen, B.M. 
18Dec-2013Structural controllability of switched linear systemsLiu, X.; Lin, H.; Chen, B.M. 
192003Structural Decomposition and Its Properties of General Multivariable Linear Singular SystemsHe, M.; Chen, B.M. ; Lin, Z.
20Jun-2007Structural decomposition and its properties of linear multivariable singular systemsHe, M.; Chen, B.M. ; Lin, Z.