Full Name
Chan Tuck Foo,Steven
Chan, S.
Chan, S.T.
Chan, S.T.F.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11998A simple method of wound protection for specimen removal in laparoscopic colectomyMar Fan, M.J. ; Chan, S.T.F. 
2Jun-1994Abdominal trauma--a review.Ong, C.L.; Png, D.J.; Chan, S.T. 
31994Aberrant expression of nitric oxide synthase in human polyps, neoplastic colonic mucosa and surrounding peritumoral normal mucosaChhatwal, V.J.S.; Ngoi, S.S. ; Chan, S.T.F. ; Chia, Y.W. ; Moochhala, S.M. 
42000Changes in prostaglandin and nitric oxide levels in the hyperdynamic circulation following liver resectionLai, O.F.; Chow, P.K.; Tan, S.; Song, I.C.; Soo, K.C.; Aw, S.E.; Yu, W.K.; Fook-Chong, S.M.; Satchithanantham, S.; Chan, S.T. 
523-Aug-1996Differential expression of adenosine A1 receptors in colorectal cancer and related mucosaKhoo, H.-E. ; Ho, C.-L.; Chhatwal, V.J.S.; Chan, S.T.F. ; Ngoi, S.-S. ; Moochhala, S.M. 
6Nov-2002Double omental hernia - Case report on a very rare cause of intestinal obstructionSee, J.Y.; Ong, A.W.H. ; Iau, P.T.C.; Chan, S.T.F. 
72002Functional site of endogenous phospholipase A2 inhibitor from python serum: Phospholipase A2 binding and anti-inflammatory activityThwin, M.-M. ; Satish L. Ramapatna ; Chan, S.T.F. ; Gopalakrishnakone, P. 
81999Heparin/heparan sulfate interacting protein gene expression is up- regulated in human colorectal carcinoma and correlated with differentiation status and metastasisWang, Y.; Hooi, S.C. ; Cheong, D.; Chan, S. 
91996Nitric oxide and cancerChhatwal, V.J.S.; Moochhala, S.M. ; Chan, S.T.F. ; Ngoi, S.S. 
102003Nitric oxide induces cyclooxygenase expression and inhibits cell growth in colon cancer cell linesLiu, Q.; Mahendran, R. ; Chan, S.T.F. 
111996Nitric oxide synthase activity and expression in human colorectal cancerMoochhala, S. ; Chhatwal, V.J.S.; Chan, S.T.F. ; Ngoi, S.S. ; Chia, Y.W. ; Rauff, A. 
121996Randomized trial of periportal peritoneal bupivacaine for pain relief after laparoscopic cholecystectomyAlexander, D.J. ; Ngoi, S.S. ; Lee, L.; So, J.; Mak, K.; Chan, S. ; Goh, P.M. 
131994Retroperitoneal endodermal sinus tumor: Report of a case with an abnormal cervicovaginal smearChong, S.-M. ; Wee, A. ; Yeoh, S.-C.; Nilsson, B. ; Chan, S. 
142000Ribosomal protein L7a gene is up-regulated but not fused to the tyrosine kinase receptor as chimeric trk oncogene in human colorectal carcinoma.Wang, Y.; Cheong, D.; Chan, S. ; Hooi, S.C. 
151995Role of oral sodium phosphate and its effectiveness in large bowel preparation for out-patient colonoscopyChia, Y.W. ; Cheng, L.C.; Goh, P.M.Y. ; Ngoi, S.S. ; Isaac, J. ; Chan, S.T.F. ; Ti, T.K. 
16Oct-1999Splenic actinomycosisChan, P.M.Y.; Chong, S.M. ; Ng, B.K.; Chan, S. 
17Sep-1997Surgical nutritional team and its impact on total parenteral nutrition in the National University Hospital, SingaporePng, D.J.C. ; Ong, C.L. ; Chan, S.