Full Name
Kian Lee Tan
Tan, KianLee
Lee, T.K.
Kian, L.T.
Tan, K.-L.
Tan, K.
Tan, Kian-Lee
Tan, K.L.

Results 21-40 of 256 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212012Anonymizing set-valued data by nonreciprocal recodingXue, M.; Karras, P. ; Raïssi, C.; Vaidya, J.; Tan, K.-L. 
222004Answering similarity queries in peer-to-peer networksKalnis, P. ; Ng, W.S. ; Ooi, B.C. ; Tan, K.-L. 
32006Answering similarity queries in peer-to-peer networksKalnis, P. ; Ng, W.S.; Ooi, B.C. ; Tan, K.-L. 
43-Oct-2006Apparatus and method for performing transformation-based indexing of high-dimensional dataOOI, BENG CHIN ; TAN, KIAN LEE ; BRESSAN, STEPHEN ; YU, CUI
52011ASSIST: Access controlled ship identification streamsMalhotra, B.; Tan, W.-J. ; Cao, J.; Kister, T.; Bressan, S. ; Tan, K.-L. 
62007Authenticating kNN query results in data publishingCheng, W.; Tan, K.-L. 
72006Authenticating multi-dimensional query results in data publishingCheng, W.; Pang, H.; Tan, K.-L. 
82004Authenticating query results in edge computingPang, H.; Tan, K.-L. 
92005Automatic 3D protein structure classification without structural alignmentAung, Z.; Tan, K.-L. 
102004Automatic protein structure classification through structural fingerprintingAung, Z.; Tan, K.-L. 
11Aug-1998Batch scheduling for demand-driven servers in wireless environmentsTan, K.-L. ; Ooi, B.C. 
122012BestPeer++: A peer-to-peer based large-scale data processing platformChen, G.; Hu, T.; Jiang, D. ; Lu, P.; Tan, K.-L. ; Vo, H.T. ; Wu, S. 
132002BestPeer: A self-configurable peer-to-peer systemNg, W.S. ; Ooi, B.C. ; Tan, K.-L. 
142003BLAST++: BLASTing queries in batchesWang, H.; Ooi, B.C. ; Tan, K.-L. ; Ong, T.-H.; Zhou, L.
15Aug-1997Broadcast-based group invalidation: An energy-efficient cache invalidation strategyTan, K.-L. ; Cai, J.
162002BuddyWeb: A P2P-based collaborative web caching systemWang, X.Y.; Ng, W.S.; Ooi, B.C. ; Tan, K.-L. ; Zhou, A.Y.
171990Buffer and load balancing in locally distributed database systemsLu, HongJun ; Tan, KianLee 
182001Cache-on-demand: Recycling with certaintyTan, K.-L. ; Goh, S.-T. ; Beng Chin Ooi 
192010Call to order: A hierarchical browsing approach to eliciting users' preferenceZhao, F.; Das, G.; Tan, K.-L. ; Tung, A.K.H. 
202008CASTLE: A delay-constrained scheme for ks-anonymizing data streamsCao, J.; Carminati, B.; Ferrari, E.; Tan, K.L.