Full Name
Kian Lee Tan
Tan, KianLee
Lee, T.K.
Kian, L.T.
Tan, K.-L.
Tan, K.
Tan, Kian-Lee
Tan, K.L.

Results 241-256 of 256 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2412009Towards integrated and efficient scientific sensor data processing: A database approachWu, J.; Zhou, Y.; Aberer, K.; Tan, K.-L. 
242Jun-1998Towards integrated geographical information processingAbel, D.J.; Ooi, B.C. ; Tan, K.-L. ; Tan, S.H. 
2432005Towards optimal utilization of main memory for moving object indexingCui, B. ; Lin, D.; Tan, K.-L. 
2442005Towards SCALEable protein structure comparison and database searchChionh, C.-H.; HUANG ZHIYONG ; Tan, K.-L. ; Yao, Z. 
2452013Trajectory based optimal segment computation in road network databasesLi, X.; Čeikute, V.; Jensen, C.S.; Tan, K.-L. 
2462013TsingNUS: A location-based service system towards Live CityLi, G.; Zhang, N.; Zhong, R.; Liu, S.; Huang, W.; Fan, J.; Tan, K.-L. ; Zhou, L.; Feng, J.
71999Tuning integrated dissemination-based information systemsCai, J.; Tan, K.-L. 
82007Two-tier multiple query optimization for sensor networksXiang, S.; Lim, H.B. ; Tan, K.-L. ; Zhou, Y.
92008Verifying completeness of relational query answers from online serversPang, H.; Tan, K.-L. 
102005Verifying completeness of relational query results in data publishingPang, H.; Jain, A.; Ramamritham, K.; Tan, K.-L. 
112007W18 - PDMST '07 & GRep '07: 4th international workshop on P2P Data Management, Security, and Trust: 3rd international workshop on Data management in Global data RepositoriesMadria, S.K.; Mondal, A.; Mohania, M.K.; Bhargava, B.; Bressan, S. ; Iwaihara, M.; Hameurlain, A.; Hara, T.; Lilien, L.; Gupta, S.K.; Bhowmick, S.S.; Chatvichienchai, S.; Bin, C.; Bellatreche, L.; Ibrahim, I.K.; Saito, K.; Cong, G.; Shen, J.; Dutta, D.; Garg, P.; Boncz, P.; Duma, C.; Kacimi, M.; Le, G.; Lee, Y.; Mani, M.; Palomar, E.; Pitoura, E.; Tan, K.-L. ; Tomarchio, O.; Trajcevski, G.; Di Vimercati, S.D.C.; Yolum, P.
122007Window-oblivious join: A data-driven memory management scheme for stream joinWu, J.; Tan, K.-L. ; Zhou, Y.
132005WmXML: A system for watermarking XML dataZhou, X.; Pang, H.; Tan, K.-L. ; Mangla, D.
1415-Sep-1995Workload scheduling for multiple query processingTan, K.-L. ; Lu, H.
152009XCube: Processing XPath queries in a hypercube overlay networkLi, Y. ; Özsu, M.T.; Tan, K.-L. 
162010ρ-uncertainty: Inferenceproof transaction anonymizationCao, J.; Karras, P. ; Raïssi, C.; Tan, K.