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Title: Trajectory based optimal segment computation in road network databases
Authors: Li, X.
Čeikute, V.
Jensen, C.S.
Tan, K.-L. 
Keywords: customer trajectory data
optimal segment problem
road network
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Li, X.,Čeikute, V.,Jensen, C.S.,Tan, K.-L. (2013). Trajectory based optimal segment computation in road network databases. GIS: Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems : 386-389. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Finding a location for a new facility s.t. the facility attracts the maximal number of customers is a challenging problem. Existing studies either model customers as static sites and thus do not consider customer movement, or they focus on theoretical aspects and do not provide solutions that are shown empirically to be scalable. Given a road network, a set of existing facilities, and a collection of customer route traversals, an optimal segment query returns the optimal road network segment(s) for a new facility. We propose a practical framework for computing this query, where each route traversal is assigned a score that is distributed among the road segments covered by the route according to a score distribution model. We propose two algorithms that adopt different approaches to computing the query. Empirical studies with real data sets demonstrate that the algorithms are capable of offering high performance in realistic settings. © 2013 Authors.
Source Title: GIS: Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
ISBN: 9781450325219
DOI: 10.1145/2525314.2525444
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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