Full Name
Gong-Yun Zhao
Zhao, G.
Zhao, G.Y.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-20 of 32 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12004A decomposition method based on SQP for a class of multistage stochastic nonlinear programsLiu, X. ; Zhao, G. 
2Jan-2005A lagrangian dual method with self-concordant barriers for multi-stage stochastic convex programmingZhao, G. 
3May-2001A log-barrier method with Benders decomposition for solving two-stage stochastic linear programsZhao, G. 
42002A multiple-cut analytic center cutting plane method for semidefinite feasibility problemsToh, K.-C. ; Zhao, G. ; Sun, J. 
5Apr-2005A note on treating a second order cone program as a special case of a semidefinite programSIM CHEE KHIAN ; Zhao, G. 
61997A predictor-corrector algorithm for a class of nonlinear saddle point problemsSun, J. ; Zhu, J.; Zhao, G. 
72000A quadratically convergent polynomial long-step algorithm for a class of nonlinear monotone complementarity problemsSun, J. ; Zhao, G. 
8Oct-2006A smoothing newton-type algorithm of stronger convergence for the quadratically constrained convex quadratic programmingHuang, Z.-H.; Sun, D. ; Zhao, G. 
9Jun-2004A superlinearly convergent algorithm for large scale multi-stage stochastic nonlinear programmingMeng, F. ; Tan, R.C.E. ; Zhao, G. 
102002An analytic center cutting plane method for semidefinite feasibility problemsSun, J. ; Toh, K.-C. ; Zhao, G. 
11Nov-2004Analytic center cutting-plane method with deep cuts for semidefinite feasibility problemsChua, S.K. ; Toh, K.C. ; Zhao, G.Y. 
12Apr-2008Asymptotic behavior of Helmberg-Kojima-Monteiro (HKM) paths in interior-point methods for monotone semidefinite linear complementarity problems: General theorySIM CHEE KHIAN ; Zhao, G. 
13Oct-2009Complementarity demand functions and pricing models for multi-product marketsSoon, W.; Zhao, G. ; Zhang, J.
14Mar-2004Convergence Analysis of an Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm Based on a Regularized Central Path for Linear Complementarity ProblemsZhou, G.; Toh, K.-C. ; Zhao, G. 
151998Global linear and local quadratic convergence of a long-step adaptive-mode interior point method for some monotone variational inequality problemsSun, J. ; Zhao, G. 
16May-1998Interior point algorithms for linear complementarity problems based on large neighborhoods of the central pathZhao, G. 
17Jul-1999Interior-point methods with decomposition for solving large-scale linear programsZhao, G.Y. 
182008Lagrangian-dual functions and Moreau-Yosida regularizationMeng, F.; Zhao, G. ; Goh, M. ; De Souza, R.
19Feb-2003Nonminimal product differentiation as a bargaining outcomeRath, K.P.; Zhao, G. 
202004On second-order properties of the moreau-yosida regularization for constrained nonsmooth convex programsMeng, F. ; Zhao, G.