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Title: PbS/CdS-sensitized mesoscopic SnO 2 solar cells for enhanced infrared light harnessing
Authors: Hossain, M.A.
Koh, Z.Y. 
Wang, Q. 
Issue Date: 28-May-2012
Citation: Hossain, M.A., Koh, Z.Y., Wang, Q. (2012-05-28). PbS/CdS-sensitized mesoscopic SnO 2 solar cells for enhanced infrared light harnessing. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (20) : 7367-7374. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Metal oxide semiconductors with lower lying conduction band minimum and superior electron mobility are essential for efficient charge separation and collection in PbS-sensitized solar cells. In the present study, mesoscopic SnO 2 was investigated as an alternative photoanode to the commonly used TiO 2 and examined comprehensively in PbS-sensitized liquid junction solar cells. To exploit the capability of PbS in an optimized structure, cascaded nPbS/nCdS and alternate n(PbS/CdS) layers deposited by a successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method were systematically scrutinized. It was observed that the surface of SnO 2 has greater affinity to the growth of PbS compared with TiO 2, giving rise to much enhanced light absorption. In addition, the deposition of a CdS buffer layer and a ZnS passivation layer before and after a PbS layer was found to be beneficial for efficient charge separation. Under optimized conditions, cascaded PbS/CdS-sensitized SnO 2 exhibited an unprecedented photocurrent density of 17.38 mA cm -2 with pronounced infrared light harvesting extending beyond 1100 nm, and a power conversion efficiency of 2.23% under AM 1.5, 1 sun illumination. In comparison, TiO 2 cells fabricated under similar conditions showed much inferior performance owing to the less efficient light harnessing of long wavelength photons. We anticipate that the systematic study of PbS-sensitized solar cells utilizing different metal oxide semiconductors as electron transporters would provide useful insights and promote the development of semiconductor-sensitized mesoscopic solar cells employing panchromatic sensitizers. © 2012 the Owner Societies.
Source Title: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
ISSN: 14639076
DOI: 10.1039/c2cp40551b
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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