Full Name
Mee Lian Wong
Wong, M.
Mee Lian Wong
Wong, M.-L.
Wong, M.L.
Lian, W.M.

Results 1-20 of 99 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12005A comparative study of condom use and self-reported sexually transmitted infections between foreign Asian and local clients of sex workers in SingaporeWong, M.L. ; Koh, D.; Barrett, M.E.; Wee, S.S.H.; Chan, R.K.W.; Chew, S.K. ; Wong, M.L. 
2Feb-1998A Needs Assessment and Proposal for HIV Education among Human Resource Managers in SingaporeWansaicheong, A.S.L.; Wong, M.L. 
32006A population study of nocturia in SingaporeLiew, L.C.H.; Tiong, H.Y.; Png, D.C.J.; Tan, J.K.N.; Wong, M.L. 
42001A population-based prevalence survey of skin diseases in adolescents and adults in rural Sumatra, Indonesia, 1999Saw, S.-M. ; Koh, D. ; Adjani, M.R.; Wong, M.-L. ; Hong, C.-Y.; Lee, J.; Chia, S.-E. ; Munoz, C.P.; Ong, C.-N. 
51999A prospective study of pharyngeal gonorrhoea and inconsistent condom use for oral sex among female brothel-based sex workers in SingaporeWong, M.L. ; Chan, R.K.W.
6Apr-2000A prospective study on condom slippage and breakage among female brothel-based sex workers in SingaporeWong, M.-L. ; Chan, R.K.W.; Koh, D. ; Wee, S. 
730-Jan-2019A public health communication intervention using edutainment and communication technology to promote safer sex among heterosexual men patronising entertainment establishmentsRaymond Boon Tar Lim ; Dede Kam Tyng Tham ; Olive NY Cheung ; P Ganesan Adaikan ; Mee WONG 
28Nov-1998A sustainable behavioral intervention to increase condom use and reduce gonorrhea among sex workers in Singapore: 2-year follow-upWong, M.L. ; Roy Chan, K.W.; Koh, D. 
292006An epidemiological and knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices study of sexually transmitted infections in older menTan, H.H.; Chan, R.K.W.; Wong, M.L. 
301998Assess workers' needs and preferences first before planning a physical fitness programme: Findings from a polytechnic institute in SingaporeWong, M.L. ; Koh, D. ; Lee, M.H.
312009Assessing knowledge of human papillomavirus and collecting data on sexual behavior: Computer assisted telephone versus face to face interviewsSmith, A.; Lyons, A.; Pitts, M.; Croy, S.; Ryall, R.; Garland, S.; Wong, M.L. ; Tay, E.H. 
3222-May-2021Association between sexual orientation acceptance and suicidal ideation, substance use, and internalised homophobia amongst the pink carpet Y cohort study of young gay, bisexual, and queer men in SingaporeOng, Clarence; Tan, Rayner Kay Jin ; Le, Daniel; Tan, Avin; Tyler, Adrian; Tan, Calvin; Kwok, Chronos; Banerjee, Sumita; Wong, Mee Lian 
331-Jul-2003Awareness and health beliefs of women towards osteoporosisSaw, S.-M. ; Hong, C.-Y.; Lee, J. ; Wong, M.-L. ; Chan, M.-F.; Cheng, A.; Leong, K.-H.
341-Apr-2003Awareness of glaucoma, and health beliefs of patients suffering primary acute angle closureSaw, S.-M. ; Gazzard, G.; Friedman, D.; Foster, P.J.; Devereux, J.G.; Wong, M.L. ; Seah, S.
35Jul-1995Behavioural interventions in the control of human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted diseases--a review.Wong, M.L. 
361995Beliefs and attitudes as determinants of cervical cancer screening: A community-based study in SingaporeSeow, A. ; Wong, M.L. ; Smith, W.C.S.; Lee, H.P. 
37Jul-2013Challenges of respondent driven sampling to assess sexual behaviour and estimate the prevalence of human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) and syphilis in men who have sex with men (MSM) in SingaporeChua, A.C.; Chen, M.I.C. ; Cavailler, P.; Jiang, L.; Abdullah, M.R.; Ng, O.T.; Chio, M.; Koe, S.; Tay, J.; Wong, M.L. ; Chan, R.
381-Feb-2018Clinical Prevalence and Associated Factors of Erectile Dysfunction in Patients Undergoing HaemodialysisLau, Lang Chu ; Adaikan S/O Periannan ; Vathsala, Anantharaman ; Srilatha, Balasubramanian ; Wong, Mee Lian ; Tan, Chuen Seng; Deng, Xiaodong ; Sran, Hersharan Kaur ; Koh, Lee Hwee; Ma, Valerie
392003Concerns over participation in genetic research among Malay-Muslims, Chinese and Indians in Singapore: A focus group studyWong, M.L. ; Chia, K.S. ; Wee, S.; Chia, S.E. ; Lee, J.; Koh, W.P. ; Shen, H.M. ; Thumboo, J. ; Sofjan, D.
401994Condom use negotiation among sex workers in Singapore: Findings from qualitative researchWong, M.L. ; Archibald, C. ; Chan, Roy K.W.; Goh, A.; Tan, T.C. ; Goh, C.L.