Full Name
Hugo Willy
(not current staff)
Willy, H.
Hugo, W.


Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12006A correlated motif approach for finding short linear motifs from protein interaction networksTan, S.-H.; Hugo, W. ; Sung, W.-K. ; Ng, S.-K.
22006A faster and more space-efficient algorithm for inferring arc-annotations of RNA sequences through alignmentJansson, J. ; Ng, S.-K.; Sung, W.-K. ; Willy, H. 
32004A faster and more space-efficient algorithm for inferring Arc-annotations of RNA sequences through alignmentJansson, J. ; Ng, S.-K.; Sung, W.-K. ; Willy, H. 
42009A probabilistic graph-theoretic approach to integrate multiple predictions for the protein-protein subnetwork prediction challengeChua, H.N.; Hugo, W. ; Liu, G. ; Li, X.; Wong, L. ; Ng, S.-K.
52005Adaptive control of hybridization noise in dna sequencing-by-hybridizationLeong, H.-W. ; Preparata, F.P.; Sung, W.-K. ; Willy, H. 
62011D-SLIMMER: Domain-SLiM interaction motifs miner for sequence based protein-protein interaction dataHugo, W. ; Ng, S.-K.; Sung, W.-K. 
72013Discovering interacting domains and motifs in protein-protein interactionsHugo, W. ; Sung, W.-K. ; Ng, S.-K.
82013Simultaneously learning dna motif along with its position and sequence rank preferences through expectation maximization algorithmZhang, Z.; Chang, C.W.; Hugo, W. ; Cheung, E.; Sung, W.-K. 
92010SLiM on diet: Finding short linear motifs on domain interaction interfaces in protein data bankHugo, W. ; Song, F.; Aung, Z.; Ng, S.-K.; Sung, W.-K.