Full Name
Swee Chong Seow
Seow, Swee-Chong
Seow, S.-C.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Sep-2019Association between Bilateral Infarcts Pattern and Detection of Occult Atrial Fibrillation in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (ESUS) Patients with Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM)Yushan, Boi; Tan, Benjamin YQ; Ngiam, Nicholas Jinghao; Chan, Bernard PL; TEOH HOCK LUEN ; Vijay Kumar Sharma ; SIA CHING HUI ; Dalakoti, Mayank; SEOW SWEE CHONG ; KOJODJOJO PIPIN ; YEO LEONG LITT,LEONARD 
211-Dec-2020Association of Electrocardiographic P-Wave Markers and Atrial Fibrillation in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined SourceLi, Tony Y.W.; Yeo, Leonard Leong L. ; Ho, Jamie Sin Ying; Leow, Aloysius S.; Chan, Mark Y. ; Dalakoti, Mayank; Chan, Bernard P.L.; Teoh, Hock Luen; Seow, Swee-Chong ; Kojodjojo, Pipin ; Sharma, Vijay K. ; Tan, Benjamin Y.-Q.; Sia, Ching-Hui 
317-Mar-2016Cardiac resynchronisation therapy in the presence of left-to-right intracardiac shunting: More good than harm?Kyu, K ; Seow, SC ; Wong, R ; Kojodjojo, P 
429-Jul-2023Detection of Atrial Fibrillation after Ischemic Stroke with an Insertable Cardiac Monitor: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical TrialsZi Yi Wong; Linus Z.H. Yuen; Ying Kiat Tan; Claire X.Y. Goh; Yao Neng Teo; Jamie S.Y. Ho; Swee Chong Seow ; Edward C.Y. Lee; Hock-Luen Teoh ; Leonard L.L. Yeo ; Ching-Hui Sia ; Benjamin Y.Q. Tan
5Sep-2013Intramural haematoma and dissection following idiopathic VT ablationSeow, S.-C. ; Yeo, W.-T.; Aye, W.M.M. 
61-Jul-2020Left Atrial Volume Index Predicts New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Recurrence in Patients with Embolic Stroke of Undetermined SourceTan, Benjamin YQ; Ho, Jamie Sin Ying; Sia, Ching-Hui ; Boi, Yushan; Foo, Anthia SM; Dalakoti, Mayank; Chan, Mark Y; Ho, Andrew FW; Leow, Aloysius S; Chan, Bernard PL; Teoh, Hock Luen ; Seow, Swee Chong ; Kojodjojo, Pipin ; Seet, Raymond CS; Sharma, Vijay K ; Yeo, Leonard Leong L
7Jan-2008Lethal presentations of coronary artery spasm after an event-free period of six years following initial diagnosisLee, C.-H. ; Swee Chong Seow ; Lim, Y.-T. 
8Jul-2021Magnetic resonance imaging of dilated cardiomyopathy: prognostic benefit of identifying late gadolinium enhancement in Asian patientsNogue Infante, Anna; Koo, Christopher Chieh Yang ; Yip, Alfred; Ha Lim, Ying; Yeo, Wee Tiong ; Quek, Swee Tian ; Lim, Toon Wei ; Seow, Swee Chong ; Chai, Ping ; Ong, Ching Ching ; Teo, Lynette ; Singh, Devinder ; Kojodjojo, Pipin 
9Sep-2017Rhythmic chaos: irregularities of computer ECG diagnosisWang, Yi-Ting Laureen; Seow, Swee-Chong ; Singh, Devinder ; Poh, Kian-Keong ; Chai, Ping 
101-Jan-2016Spontaneous Coronary Dissection Masquerading as Benign Fascicular Ventricular TachycardiaHo, Sara Wei-Fen; Lin, Weiqin ; Chan, Koo Hui ; Seow, Swee-Chong 
112011Utilisation of emergency medical service among Singapore patients presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: Prevalence and impact on ischaemic timeTan, L.-L.; Wong, H.-B.; Poh, C.-L.; Chan, M.Y.; Seow, S.-C. ; Yeo, T.-C. ; Teo, S.-G. ; Ooi, S.B.S.; Tan, H.-C. ; Lee, C.-H.