Full Name
Xu Jianxin
(not current staff)
Xu, Jian-xin
Jian-Xin, X.
Xu, J.-X.
Xu J.X.
Xu, Jian-Xin
Xu, J.X.
Xu, J.
Jian-Xin, X.U.
Jianxin, X.


Results 121-140 of 367 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1212004Control of high performance DC-AC inverters using iterative learning controlWei, W.; Panda, S.K. ; Xu, J.-X. 
1221997Controller design for a class of nonlinear multi-input systems using modified sliding modeXu, J.-X. ; Lee, T.H. ; He, C.
1231998Controller design for a single-link flexible smart materials robot with experimental testsGe, S.S. ; Lee, T.H. ; Gong, J.Q.; Xu, J.X. 
124Aug-2013D-type anticipatory iterative learning control for a class of inhomogeneous heat equationsHuang, D.; Xu, J.-X. ; Li, X.; Xu, C.; Yu, M.
1252010Data-driven approaches in health condition monitoring - A comparative studyGeramifard, O.; Xu, J.-X. ; Pang, C.K. ; Zhou, J.H.; Li, X.
126Jul-2008DC link voltage and supply-side current harmonics minimization of three phase PWM boost rectifiers using frequency domain based repetitive current controllersWu, X.H.; Panda, S.K. ; Xu, J.X. 
1272011Decentralized coordination control for mas with workload learningXu, J.-X. ; Yang, S.
12815-Apr-2005Delay-dependent stability and stabilizability of uncertain jump bilinear stochastic systems with mode-dependent time-delaysGuan, Z.-H.; Chen, W.-H.; Xu, J. 
129Mar-1999Design and analysis of a new adaptive robust control scheme for a class of nonlinear uncertain systemsXu, J.-X. ; Lee, T.-H. ; Jia, Q.-W.
1302014Design and implementation of a new sliding mode controller on an underactuated wheeled inverted pendulumGuo, Z.-Q.; Xu, J.-X. ; Lee, T.H.
1312013Design and implementation of a takagi-sugeno-type fuzzy logic controller on a two-wheeled mobile robotXu, J.-X. ; Guo, Z.-Q.; Lee, T.H. 
132Jul-2014Design and implementation of integral sliding-mode control on an underactuated two-wheeled mobile robotXu, J.-X. ; Guo, Z.-Q.; Lee, T.H. 
1332009Design of a myoelectric glove for upper limb stroke rehabilitationSasidhar, S.; Panda, S.K. ; Jianxin, X. 
1342008Design of a plug-in frequency domain based repetitive current controller for three phase PWM boost recti er under distorted and unbalanced supply voltagesWu, X.; Panda, S.K. ; Xu, J. 
1352010Design of a plug-in repetitive control scheme for eliminating supply-side current harmonics of three-phase pwm boost rectifiers under generalized supply voltage conditionsWu, X.H.; Panda, S.K. ; Xu, J.X. 
136Oct-1996Design of variable structure controllers with continuous switching controlXu, J.-X. ; Lee, T.H. ; Wang, M.; Yu, X.-H.
1371999Determination of current waveforms for torque ripple minimisation in switched reluctance motors using iterative learning: an investigationSahoo, N.C.; Xu, J.X. ; Panda, S.K. 
1382006Development of a new mathematical model of three phase PWM boost rectifier under unbalanced supply voltage operating conditionsWu, X.; Panda, S.K. ; Xu, J. 
1392011Development of real-time control system for single-wheeled inverted pendulum platformLim, J.L.A.; Daud, Y.; Xu, J.-X. ; Al Mamun, A. 
1401999Direct approach for tip regulation of a single-link flexible manipulatorXu, Jian-Xin ; Cao, Wenjun