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Jones, Gavin Willis
Jones, Gavin W.
Jones, G.W.
Jones, G.
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Results 1-20 of 22 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2006A demographic perspective on the Muslim worldJones, G.W. 
2Dec-2003An economic survey of northern Sulawesi: Turning weaknesses into strengths under regional autonomySondakh, L.; Jones, G. 
3Jun-2012Changing family sizes, structures and functions in AsiaJones, G. 
4Sep-2007Delayed marriage and very low fertility in Pacific AsiaJones, G.W. 
5Sep-2010East Asian childbearing patterns and policy developmentsFrejka, T.; Jones, G.W. ; Sardon, J.-P.
6May-2013Education and human capital development in the giants of AsiaJones, G. ; Ramchand, D.
7Aug-2007Fertility decline in Asia: The role of marriage changeJones, G.W. 
8Feb-2008International marriage in East and Southeast Asia: Trends and research emphasesJones, G. ; Shen, H.-H.
9Dec-2013Levels of urbanization in the world's countries: Testing consistency of estimates based on national definitionsAlkema, L. ; Jones, G.W. ; Lai, C.U.R.
105-Jun-2014Marriage in AsiaJones, Gavin Willis ; Yeung, Wei-Jun Jean 
112012Marriage migration in Asia: An introductionJones, G.W. 
122008Mega-Urban Regions in Pacific Asia: Urban Dynamics in a Global EraMichael Douglass ; Gavin Jones 
13Jul-2011Population and development beyond the first demographic transition: A focus on the experience of East and Southeast Asian countriesJones, G.W. 
14Apr-2009Population and poverty: The situation in Asia and the pacificJones, G.W. 
15Jun-2012Population Policy in a Prosperous City-State: Dilemmas for SingaporeJones, G.W. 
16Dec-2005The "flight from marriage" in South-East and East AsiaJones, G.W. 
17Nov-2004The Demography of DisadvantageJones, G.W. 
18Dec-2009The global economic crisis and its likely impact on population activitiesJones, G.W. 
192003The role of education in ASEAN economic growthJones, G. 
202004(Un)tying the knot : ideal and reality in Asian marriageJones, Gavin W. ; Ramdas, Kamalini