Full Name
Jabbar,Mohammed Abdul
(not current staff)
Jabbar, Mohammed A.
Jabbar, M.A.


Results 1-20 of 47 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Jul-2004Analysis of the starting process of a disk drive spindle motor by time stepping finite element methodJabbar, M.A. ; Phyu, H.N.; Liu, Z.J.
22004Application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in design optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motorsJabbar, M.A. ; Qinghua, L.; Jolly, L.
32002Cogging torque minimization for small spindle motor through reduced-order finite element optimizationJabbar, M.A. ; Aye, W.L.; Azeman, A.B.
42005Cogging torque prediction by superposition of torque due to pole transition over slotLiu, Z.J. ; Li, J.T.; Jabbar, M.A. 
52000Computation of forces and torque in electric machinesJabbar, M.A. ; Aye, Win Lai; Liu, Z.J. ; Rahman, M.A.
61999Computational analysis of cogging torque in small permanent magnet machinesJabbar, M.A. ; Aye, Win Lai
72005Computational optimization of the run-up performance of a HDD spindle motorPhyu, H.N.; Jabbar, M.A. ; Liu, Z.J.
82001Design and development of a low speed AC generator for wind power applicationsJabbar, M.A. ; Liu, Z.J.; Chen, S.X.
91996Design and development of a new controller for disk-drive spindle motorsJabbar, M.A. 
101995Design aspects and performance of a slotless PM motor for hard disk drivesLow, T.S. ; Jabbar, M.A. ; Tan, T.S.
112002Design optimisation of wide-speed permanent magnet synchronous motorsQinghua, L.; Jabbar, M.A. ; Khambadkone, A.M. 
12Mar-2004Design optimization for cogging torque minimization using response surface methodologyLi, J.T.; Liu, Z.J. ; Jabbar, M.A. ; Gao, X.K. 
132001Design optimization of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors for wide-speed operationQinghua, L.; Jabbar, M.A. ; Khambadkone, A.M. 
142005Design optimization of permanent magnet motors using response surface methodology and genetic algorithmsJolly, L.; Jabbar, M.A. ; Liu, Q.
152004Determination of machine parameters for internal permanent magnet synchronous motorsJabbar, M.A. ; Dong, J.; Liu, Z. 
162005Determination of parameters for internal permanent magnet synchronous motorsJabbar, M.A. ; Dong, J.; Liu, Z.
172001Determination of thermal performance of small electric motorsMei, W.; Jabbar, M.A. ; Tay, A.A.O. 
182001Development of a high-speed AC brushless appliance motorJabbar, M.A. ; Khambadkone, A.M. ; Yanfeng, Z.
191996Disk drive spindle motors and their controlsJabbar, M.A. 
202001DSP based space vector PWM drive for constant power operation of two-phase induction motorsJabbar, M.A. ; Khambadkone, A.M. ; Yanfeng, Z.