Full Name
Khoo, G.
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Sep-2003Erratum: Genetic Linkage Maps of the Guppy (Poecilia reticulata): Assignment of RAPD Markers to Multipoint Linkage Groups (Marine Biotechnology 5;3 (279-293))Khoo, G. ; Lim, M.H.; Suresh, H.; Gan, D.K.Y.; Lim, K.F.; Chen, F.; Chan, W.-K. ; Lim, T.M. ; Phang, V.P.E. 
2Jun-1999Genetic basis of the variegated tail pattern in the guppy, Poecilia reticulataKhoo, G. ; Lim, T.M. ; Chan, W.-K. ; Phang, V.P.E. 
330-Mar-1999Genetic diversity among wild forms and cultivated varieties of Discus (Symphysodon spp.) as revealed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprintingKoh, T.L.; Khoo, G. ; Fan, L.Q. ; Phang, V.P.E. 
4Jul-2002Genetic diversity within and among feral populations and domesticated strains of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) in SingaporeKhoo, G. ; Lim, K.F.; Gan, D.K.Y.; Chen, F.; Chan, W.-K. ; Lim, T.M. ; Phang, V.P.E. 
5May-2003Genetic linkage maps of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata): Assignment of RAPD markers to multipoint linkage groupsKhoo, G. ; Lim, M.H.; Suresh, H.; Gan, D.K.Y.; Lim, K.F.; Chen, F.; Chan, W.-K. ; Lim, T.M. ; Phang, V.P.E. 
61997Genetic variation in different varieties of Siamese fighting fish using isoelectric focusing of sarcoplasmic proteinsKhoo, G. ; Loh, E.Y.F.; Lim, T.M. ; Phang, V.P.E. 
7Dec-1999Interaction between the autosomal recessive bar gene and the Y-linked Snakeskin body (Ssb) pattern gene in the guppy, Poecilia reticulataPhang, V.P.E. ; Khoo, G. ; Ang, S.P.
8Dec-1999Linkage analysis and mapping of three sex-linked color pattern genes in the guppy, Poecilia reticulataKhoo, G. ; Lim, T.M. ; Chan, W.-K. ; Phang, V.P.E. 
9Aug-1999Sex-linkage of the black caudal-peduncle and red tail genes in the tuxedo strain of the guppy, Poecilia reticulataKhoo, G. ; Lim, T.M. ; Chan, W.-K. ; Phang, V.P.E.