Full Name
Yee Shiun Hong
Hong, R.Y.
Ryan Y. Hong
Hong, Ryan Y.
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Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Jul-2017Applications of meta-analytic structural equation modelling in health psychology: examples, issues, and recommendationsMike Cheung ; HONG YEE SHIUN 
2Dec-2013From Dispositional Traits to Psychopathological Symptoms: Social-Cognitive Vulnerabilities as Intervening MechanismsHong, R.Y. 
32014Gratitude and personal functioning among earthquake survivors in IndonesiaLies, J.; Mellor, D.; Hong, R.Y. 
48-Jun-2018Increasing Intolerance of Uncertainty Over Time: The Potential Influence of Increasing ConnectivityR. Nicholas Carleton; Gabrielle Desgagne; Rachel Krakauer; Ryan Hong 
52010Intolerance of uncertainty moderates the relation between negative life events and anxietyChen, C.Y.; Hong, R.Y. 
62004Locomotion and assessment: Self-regulation and subjective well-beingHong, R.Y. ; Tan, M.S.; Chang, W.C. 
72010Neuroticism, anxiety sensitivity thoughts, and anxiety symptomatology: Insights from an experience-sampling approachHong, R.Y. 
8Dec-2009Personality traits and health-risk behaviours in university studentsHong, R.Y. ; Paunonen, S.V.
9Jun-2011Personality Vulnerabilities to Psychopathology: Relations Between Trait Structure and Affective-Cognitive ProcessesHong, R.Y. ; Paunonen, S.V.
10Feb-2010Self-efficacy and the prediction of domain-specific cognitive abilitiesPaunonen, S.V.; Hong, R.Y. 
11Oct-2012Supernumerary personality traits beyond the Big Five: Predicting materialism and unethical behaviorHong, R.Y. ; Koh, S.; Paunonen, S.V.
12Apr-2010The effects of social evaluation and looming threat on self-attentional biases and social anxietyHaikal, M.; Hong, R.Y. 
13Dec-2013The many faces of assumed similarity in perceptions of personalityPaunonen, S.V.; Hong, R.Y. 
142009The relation between common sleep problems and emotional and behavioral problems among 2- and 3-year-olds in the context of known risk factors for psychopathology: Sleep in toddlersReid, G.J.; Hong, R.Y. ; Wade, T.J.
15May-2013When being discrepant from one's ideal or ought selves hurts: The moderating role of neuroticismHong, R.Y. ; Triyono, W.; Ong, P.S.