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Teng Joon Lim
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Lim, Teng J.
Lim, Teng Joon
Lim, T.J.
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Results 21-40 of 57 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212013Energy optimization for stable two-way relaying with a multi-access uplinkChen, Z.; Lim, T.J. ; Motani, M. 
22Jun-2000Estimation of directions of arrival of multipath signals in CDMA systemsLei, Z. ; Lim, T.J. 
231998Fundamental BER-floor for long-code CDMARasmussen, Lars K. ; Lim, Teng J. ; Sugimoto, Hiroki
241998Hybrid interference canceller in CDMASun, S. ; Rasmussen, L.K. ; Sugimoto, H.; Lim, T.J. 
252019Hybrid NOMA for an Energy Harvesting MAC with Non-Ideal Batteries and Circuit PowerBhat, Rajshekhar Vishweshwar; MOTANI,MEHUL ; LIM TENG JOON 
261998Impact of estimation errors on multiuser detection in CDMARasmussen, Lars K. ; Sun, Sumei ; Lim, Teng J. ; Sugimoto, Hiroki
27Mar-2001Linear and nonlinear chip-rate minimum mean-squared-error multiuser CDMA detectionMa, Y. ; Lim, T.J. 
28Dec-1999Linear parallel interference cancellation in long-code CDMA multiuser detectionGuo, D. ; Rasmussen, L.K. ; Lim, T.J. 
291-Apr-1999Maximum-likelihood receiver of FFH/BFSK systems with multitone jamming and AWGN over Rayleigh-fading channelsTeh, K.C. ; Lim, T.J. 
302012MIMO-OFDMA rate allocation and beamformer design using a multi-access channel frameworkKhanafer, A.; Lim, T.J. ; Doostnejad, R.; Tang, T.
311998MMSE-based linear parallel interference cancellation in CDMAGuo, Dongning ; Rasmussen, Lars K. ; Sun, Sumei ; Lim, Teng J. ; Cheah, Christopher 
321998Modified blind adaptive multiuser CDMA detectorYou, Dunhua; Lim, Teng Joon 
3329-May-2001Multi-user code division multiple access receiverLIM, TENG JOON ; RASMUSSEN, LARS ; SUGIMOTO, HIROKI
342000Multipath searcher with the hybrid CDMA interference cancellerSun, S. ; Sugimoto, H.; Rasmussen, L.K. ; Lim, T.J. 
351996New geometrical interpretation of the decorrelator in multiuser CDMARasmussen, Lars K. ; Lim, Teng J. ; Alexander, Paul D. 
361997New soft handoff scheme using Signal Prediction Priority Queuing for the CDMA Dynamic Simulcast SystemLu, Fan; Lim, Teng Joon 
371996On-line interpolation using spline functionsLim, T.J. ; Macleod, M.D.
381997One-shot filtering equivalence for linear successive interference cancellation in CDMARasmussen, Lars K. ; Lim, Teng J. ; Johansson, Ann-Louise
392013Online energy management strategies for base stations powered by the smart gridLeithon, J.; Lim, T.J. ; Sun, S.
402013Optimal power and range adaptation for green broadcastingLuo, S.; Zhang, R. ; Lim, T.J.