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Title: Fundamental BER-floor for long-code CDMA
Authors: Rasmussen, Lars K. 
Lim, Teng J. 
Sugimoto, Hiroki
Issue Date: 1998
Citation: Rasmussen, Lars K.,Lim, Teng J.,Sugimoto, Hiroki (1998). Fundamental BER-floor for long-code CDMA. IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications 3 : 692-695. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: In a discrete-time realization of a long-code CDMA system, a non-zero probability of encountering a singular channel (linear dependency among spreading codes) leads to an inherent error floor at high SNR. In this paper we derive a lower bound on this error floor for a synchronous CDMA system in AWGN. The lower bound is found to correspond closely to the error floor encountered by the full-complexity maximum-likelihood detector.
Source Title: IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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