Full Name
Yean Yng Ling
Ling, Yean Yng
Ling, F.
Ling, Y.-Y.
Ling, Y.Y.
Ling, F.Y.Y.
Ling, Florence Yean Yng


Results 1-20 of 107 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12002A case study on the management of the development of a large-scale power plant project in East Asia based on design-build arrangementLing, Y.Y. ; Lau, B.S.Y.
22011A comparative study on adopting human resource practices for safety management on construction projects in the United States and SingaporeLai, D.N.C. ; Liu, M.; Ling, F.Y.Y. 
32003A conceptual model for selection of architects by project managers in SingaporeLing, Y.Y. 
42001A survey of contractors' opinions on methods of waste minimisationLing, Y.-Y. ; Teo, P.W.L.
52011Are relational contracting principles applicable to public construction projects?Ke, Y. ; Ling, F.Y.Y. ; Kumaraswamy, M.M.; Wang, S.Q.; Zou, P.X.W.; Ning, Y.
62005Benefits that foreign AEC firms derive when undertaking construction projects in ChinaLing, F.Y.Y. 
7Nov-2011Boosting performance of road infrastructure: A case study based on motorist satisfaction in SingaporeLing, F.Y.Y. ; Ng, W.T.
82014Boosting Project Outcomes through goal Alignment: A case study of VietnamLing F.Y.Y. ; Hien M.B.T.
9Jan-2014Boosting public construction project outcomes through relational transactionsNing, Y.; Ling, F.Y.Y. 
102007Building a relational contracting culture and integrated teamsRahman, M.M.; Kumaraswamy, M.M.; Ling, F.Y.Y. 
119-Jun-2016Business models for foreign firms offering construction-related consultancy services in ChinaFlorence Ling ; Shan Li
122012Careers development in construction firms: Application of Sun Tzu's ITArt of War/IT principlesLing, F.Y.Y. ; Lee, S.Y.
132006Closure to "modeling a contractor's markup estimation" by Min Liu and Yean Yng LingLiu, M.; Ling, Y.Y. 
142013Comparative study of drivers of and barriers to relational transactions faced by public clients, private contractors and consultants in public projectsNing, Y.; Ling, F.Y.Y. 
152004Comparing the performance of design-build and design-bid-build building projects in SingaporeLing, F.Y.Y. ; Kerh, S.H.
162005Constructing a framework for building relationships and trust in project organizations: Two case studies of building projects in ChinaJin, X.-H.; Ling, F.Y.Y. 
172005Constructing relationally integrated teamsKumaraswamy, M.M.; Ling, F.Y.Y. ; Rahman, M.M.; Phng, S.T.
182009Construction fatalities in SingaporeLing, F.Y.Y. ; Liu, M.; Woo, Y.C.
192015Construction procurement: Modelling bidders’ learning in recurrent biddingOo B.L. ; Ling F.Y.Y. ; Soo A.
202004Consultancy fees: Dichotomy between A/E's need to maximize profit and employers' need to minimize costLing, F.Y.Y.