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Title: Characterization of an effective Frankia (ISU 0224887) isolated from nodules of Gymnostoma sumatranum
Authors: Savouré, A.
Lim, G. 
Keywords: Actinomycete
Gymnostoma sumatranum
host specificity
nitrogen fixation
Issue Date: Feb-1991
Citation: Savouré, A., Lim, G. (1991-02). Characterization of an effective Frankia (ISU 0224887) isolated from nodules of Gymnostoma sumatranum. Plant and Soil 131 (1) : 21-27. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: A Frankia strain ISU 0224887 was isolated from spore negative root nodules of Gymnostoma sumatranum and was grown in pure culture. It was infective and effective for Gymnostoma species but failed to nodulate Allocasuarina and Casuarina seedlings. Light and scanning electron microscopy of it in nitrogen free medium revealed a filamentous mat of septate and branched hyphae bearing sporangia and vesicles capable of fixing nitrogen. The strain also produced an orange pigment after 2 weeks culture. The strain utilized only TWEEN 80 and propionate as sole carbon sources. The different antibiotics used showed varying effects on its growth. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Source Title: Plant and Soil
ISSN: 0032079X
DOI: 10.1007/BF00010416
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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