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Title: IT industry development and the knowledge economy: A four country study
Authors: Ein-Dor, P.
Myers, M.
Raman, K.S. 
Keywords: Development policy factors
Endogenous variables
Exogenous variables
IT industry
Small countries
Success factors
Issue Date: Oct-2004
Citation: Ein-Dor, P.,Myers, M.,Raman, K.S. (2004-10). IT industry development and the knowledge economy: A four country study. Journal of Global Information Management 12 (4) : 23-49. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The importance of knowledge economy for production activity and the development of information technology (IT) industries are discussed. An in-depth analysis of the IT industry in four countries: Finland, Israel, New Zealand and Singapore are also presented. The study suggest a modified and more comprehensive version of the Ein-Dor et al.(1997) model of IT industry success in small developed countries. It is observed that IT industries provide a technical platform for innovation and a key component in fostering the development of the knowledge economy.
Source Title: Journal of Global Information Management
ISSN: 10627375
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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