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Title: Visualizing Görtler Vortices
Authors: Winoto, S.H. 
Mitsudharmadi, H. 
Shah, D.A. 
Keywords: Boundary layer
Görtler vortices
Horseshoe vortices
Mushroom-like structures
Pre-set wavelength
Issue Date: 2005
Citation: Winoto, S.H., Mitsudharmadi, H., Shah, D.A. (2005). Visualizing Görtler Vortices. Journal of Visualization 8 (4) : 315-322. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The development of Görtler vortices with pre-set wavelength of 15 mm has been visualized in the boundary-layer on a concave surface of 2.0 m radius of curvature at a free-stream velocity of 3.0 m/s. The wavelength of vortices was pre-set by vertical wires of 0.2 mm diameter located 10 mm upstream of the concave surface leading edge. The velocity contours in the cross-sectional planes at several streamwise locations show the growth and breakdown of the vortices. Three different regions can be identified based on different growth rate of the vortices. The occurrence of a secondary instability mode is indicated by the formation of a small horseshoe eddies generated between the two neighboring vortices traveling streamwise, to form mushroom-like structures as a consequence of the non-linear growth of the Görtler vortices. © 2005 The Visualization Society of Japan and Ohmsha, Ltd.
Source Title: Journal of Visualization
ISSN: 13438875
DOI: 10.1007/BF03181550
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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