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Title: Cell model for nonlinear fracture analysis - I. Micromechanics calibration
Authors: Faleskog, J.
Gao, X.
Fong Shih, C. 
Keywords: 3-D analysis
Crack growth
Finite elements
Fracture mechanics
Resistance curves
Void growth
Issue Date: 1998
Citation: Faleskog, J.,Gao, X.,Fong Shih, C. (1998). Cell model for nonlinear fracture analysis - I. Micromechanics calibration. International Journal of Fracture 89 (4) : 355-373. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: A computational approach based on a cell model of material offers real promise as a predictive tool for nonlinear fracture analysis. A key feature of the computational model is the modeling of the material in front of the crack by a layer of similarly-sized cubic cells. Each cell of size D contains a spherical void of initial volume fraction fo. The microseparation characteristics of the material in a cell, a result of void growth and coalescence, is described by the Gurson-Tvergaard constitutive relation; the material outside the layer of cells can be modelled as an elastic-plastic continuum. The success of this computational model hinges on developing a robust calibration scheme of the model parameters. Such a scheme is proposed in this study. The material-specific parameters are calibrated by a two-step micromechanics/fracture-process scheme. This article describes the micromechanics calibration of void growth taking into account both the strain hardening and the strength of the material. The fracture-process calibration is addressed in a companion paper.
Source Title: International Journal of Fracture
ISSN: 03769429
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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