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Title: On the constitutive relations of chiral media and Green's dyadics for an unbounded chiral medium
Authors: Liu, S.
Li, L.-W. 
Leong, M.-S. 
Yeo, T.-S. 
Issue Date: 1999
Citation: Liu, S.,Li, L.-W.,Leong, M.-S.,Yeo, T.-S. (1999). On the constitutive relations of chiral media and Green's dyadics for an unbounded chiral medium. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 23 (6) : 357-361. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.<357
Abstract: Different constitutive relations and the limitation of some forms in the presence of exciting sources are discussed. Born's constitutive relations show a wider applicability in both source-free and source-incorporated cases. A new mapping method is introduced to obtain the spatial representation of the Green's dyadics from the spectral one. This method is first verified in the case where Post's relations are used, and then applied to rigorously derive the Green's dyadics in an unbounded chiral medium characterized by Born's constitutive relations. The final expressions are different from and should be more strict than the previous results obtained by simply applying the mapping relations.
Source Title: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
ISSN: 08952477
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2760(19991220)23:6<357
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