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Title: Energy approach to the modelling of particle removal by pulsed laser irradiation
Authors: Lu, Y.F. 
Zheng, Y.W.
Song, W.D. 
Issue Date: May-1999
Citation: Lu, Y.F., Zheng, Y.W., Song, W.D. (1999-05). Energy approach to the modelling of particle removal by pulsed laser irradiation. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 68 (5) : 569-572. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: An energy model to explain particle removal mechanism has been developed. This model is based on a detailed investigation of contact deformation of a particle on a solid surface, as well as particle motion during the process of substrate surface expansion under uniform laser irradiation. Calculation results show that small particles mainly gain kinetic energy during pulsed laser irradiation, whereas large particles mainly gain elastic deforming potential energy. The particle removal condition is derived from the viewpoint of energy. The relationship of particle removal efficiency with laser fluence and particle size is discussed. Theoretical results are compared with experimental results.
Source Title: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
ISSN: 09478396
DOI: 10.1007/s003390050942
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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