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Title: Fast Fourier transform on multipoles (FFTM) algorithm for Laplace equation with direct and indirect boundary element method
Authors: Lim, K.M. 
He, X.
Lim, S.P. 
Keywords: Direct and indirect boundary element method
Fast Fourier transform on multipoles
Laplace equation
Solid harmonics
Spherical harmonics
Issue Date: Jan-2008
Citation: Lim, K.M., He, X., Lim, S.P. (2008-01). Fast Fourier transform on multipoles (FFTM) algorithm for Laplace equation with direct and indirect boundary element method. Computational Mechanics 41 (2) : 313-323. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: In this paper, the fast Fourier transform on multipole (FFTM) algorithm is used to accelerate the matrix-vector product in the boundary element method (BEM) for solving Laplace equation. This is implemented in both the direct and indirect formulations of the BEM. A new formulation for handling the double layer kernel using the direct formulation is presented, and this is shown to be related to the method given by Yoshida (Application of fast multipole method to boundary integral equation method, Kyoto University, Japan, 2001). The FFTM algorithm shows different computational performances in direct and indirect formulations. The direct formulation tends to take more computational time due to the evaluation of an extra integral. The error of FFTM in the direct formulation is smaller than that in the indirect formulation because the direct formulation has the advantage of avoiding the calculations of the free term and the strongly singular integral explicitly. The multipole and local translations introduce approximation errors, but these are not significant compared with the discretization error in the direct or indirect BEM formulation. Several numerical examples are presented to compare the computational efficiency of the FFTM algorithm used with the direct and indirect BEM formulations. © 2007 Springer Verlag.
Source Title: Computational Mechanics
ISSN: 01787675
DOI: 10.1007/s00466-007-0187-5
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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