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Title: A fast volume-surface integral equation solver for scattering from composite conducting-dielectric objects
Authors: Nie, X.-C. 
Yuan, N. 
Li, L.-W. 
Gan, Y.-B. 
Yeo, T.S. 
Keywords: Electromagnetic scattering
Method of moments
Precorrected-FFT method
Volume-surface integral equation
Issue Date: Feb-2005
Citation: Nie, X.-C., Yuan, N., Li, L.-W., Gan, Y.-B., Yeo, T.S. (2005-02). A fast volume-surface integral equation solver for scattering from composite conducting-dielectric objects. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53 (2) : 818-824. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: This paper presents a fast hybrid volume-surface integral equation approach for the computation of electromagnetic scattering from objects comprising both conductors and dielectric materials. The volume electric field integral equation is applied to the material region and the surface electric field integral equation is applied on the conducting surface. The method of moments (MoM) is used to convert the integral equation into a matrix equation and the precorrected-FFT (P-FFT) method is employed to reduce the memory requirement and CPU time for the matrix solution. The present approach is sufficiently versatile in handling problems with either open or closed conductors, and dielectric materials of arbitrary inhomogeneity, due to the combination of the surface and volume electric field integral equations. The application of the precorrected-FFT method facilitates the solving of much larger problems than can be handled by the conventional MoM. © 2005 IEEE.
Source Title: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
ISSN: 0018926X
DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2004.841323
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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