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Title: A complete set of spatial-domain dyadic Green's function components for cylindrically stratified media in fast computational form
Authors: Sun, J.
Wang, C.-F. 
Li, L.-W. 
Leong, M.-S. 
Issue Date: 2002
Citation: Sun, J.,Wang, C.-F.,Li, L.-W.,Leong, M.-S. (2002). A complete set of spatial-domain dyadic Green's function components for cylindrically stratified media in fast computational form. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 16 (11) : 1491-1509. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Numerical characterization of electromagnetic waves in cylindrically multilayered structures can be efficiently and rigorously performed by employing the method of moments (MoM) in spatial-domain. Thus the idea of obtaining spatial-domain Greens' functions in closed form or fast computational form was proposed [1] and since then many useful results were obtained for planar layered media. For cylindrically layered media, the closed form Green's functions in spatial-domain were reported in [2], where the spatial-domain Green's function components due to ẑ and ψ̂-oriented electrical and magnetic sources have been obtained using the generalized pencil of function (GPOF) method. This paper, as a further extension, presents spatial-domain Green's function components in fast computational form due to ρ̂-oriented electrical source embedded in cylindrically layered media. The Green's function components in approximate but fast computational form are compared with the exact Green's function components obtained from direct numerical evaluations of the corresponding integrals, and a good agreement between the fast computational form and the exact form. Furthermore, the spatial-domain Green's function components due to ẑ- and ψ̂-oriented electrical and magnetic sources have also been obtained but for all the possible azimuth angles.
Source Title: Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
ISSN: 09205071
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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