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Title: Enhancing the detection of natural thermal entanglement with disorder
Authors: Hide, J.
Son, W. 
Vedral, V. 
Issue Date: 9-Mar-2009
Citation: Hide, J., Son, W., Vedral, V. (2009-03-09). Enhancing the detection of natural thermal entanglement with disorder. Physical Review Letters 102 (10) : -. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Physical systems have some degree of disorder present in them. We discuss how to treat natural, thermal entanglement in any random macroscopic system from which a thermodynamic witness bounded by a constant can be found. We propose that functional many-body perturbation theory be applied to allow either a quenched or an annealed average over the disorder to be taken. We find, when considering the example of an XX Heisenberg spin chain with a random coupling strength, that the region of natural entanglement detected by both witnesses can be enhanced by the disorder. © 2009 The American Physical Society.
Source Title: Physical Review Letters
ISSN: 00319007
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.100503
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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