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Title: Ways of interacting: The standardization of communication in medical training
Authors: Islam, G.
Zyphur, M. 
Keywords: Communication
Group communication
Healthcare organizations
Mental health and therapy
Organizational culture
Organizational theory
Issue Date: 2007
Citation: Islam, G., Zyphur, M. (2007). Ways of interacting: The standardization of communication in medical training. Human Relations 60 (5) : 769-792. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: This study explains the effects of medical institutionalization on the framing of doctorpatient interviews. We draw on Weberian, Habermasian, and Foucaultian perspectives to explain the ways that occupational rationalities are embodied in doctorpatient encounters, and how these rationalities structure and are structured by occupational conceptions of medical clients. We use the results of par ticipant-obser ver methods to demonstrate specific instances of the ways in which organizationclient interactions are simulated in a standardized patient training programme. Finally, we discuss findings with respect to our theoretical perspectives, showing how each perspective contributes unique insights into understandings of organizations and the communities they serve. Copyright © 2007 The Tavistock Institute ® SAGE Publications.
Source Title: Human Relations
ISSN: 00187267
DOI: 10.1177/0018726707079201
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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