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Title: LDC: Enabling search by partial distance in a hyper-dimensional space
Authors: Koudas, N.
Ooi, B.C. 
Shen, H.T. 
Tung, A.K.H. 
Issue Date: 2004
Citation: Koudas, N., Ooi, B.C., Shen, H.T., Tung, A.K.H. (2004). LDC: Enabling search by partial distance in a hyper-dimensional space. Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering 20 : 6-17. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Recent advances in research fields like multimedia and bioinformatics have brought about a new generation of hyper-dimensional databases which can contain hundreds or even thousands of dimensions. Such hyper-dimensional databases pose significant problems to existing high-dimensional indexing techniques which have been developed for indexing databases with (commonly) less than a hundred dimensions. To support efficient querying and retrieval on hyper-dimensional databases, we propose a methodology called Local Digital Coding (LDC) which can support k-nearest neighbors (KNN) queries on hyper-dimensional databases and yet co-exist with ubiquitous indices, such as B+-trees. LDC extracts a simple bitmap representation called Digital Code(DC)for each point in the database. Pruning during KNN search is performed by dynamically selecting only a subset of the bits from the DC based on which subsequent comparisons are performed. In doing so, expensive operations involved in computing L-norm distance functions between hyper-dimensional data can be avoided. Extensive experiments are conducted to show that our methodology offers significant performance advantages over other existing indexing methods on both real life and synthetic hyper-dimensional datasets.
Source Title: Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering
DOI: 10.1109/ICDE.2004.1319980
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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