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Title: The novel human MOST-1 (C8orf17) gene exhibits tissue specific expression, maps to chromosome 8q24.2, and is overexpressed/amplified in high grade cancers of the breast and prostate
Authors: Tan, J.M.M.
Chow, V.T.K. 
Tock, E.P.C. 
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Tan, J.M.M., Chow, V.T.K., Tock, E.P.C. (2003). The novel human MOST-1 (C8orf17) gene exhibits tissue specific expression, maps to chromosome 8q24.2, and is overexpressed/amplified in high grade cancers of the breast and prostate. Journal of Clinical Pathology - Molecular Pathology 56 (2) : 109-115. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Source Title: Journal of Clinical Pathology - Molecular Pathology
ISSN: 13668714
DOI: 10.1136/mp.56.2.109
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