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Title: Zero entropy automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds and dynamical filtrations
Authors: Dinh, Tien-Cuong 
Lin, Hsueh-Yung
Oguiso, Keiji
Zhang, De-Qi 
Keywords: math.AG
14J50, 32M05, 32H50, 37B40
Issue Date: 11-Oct-2018
Citation: Dinh, Tien-Cuong, Lin, Hsueh-Yung, Oguiso, Keiji, Zhang, De-Qi (2018-10-11). Zero entropy automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds and dynamical filtrations. Geometric and Functional Analysis, 32 (Jun 2022) 568-594. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: We study zero entropy automorphisms of a compact K\"ahler manifold $X$. Our goal is to bring to light some new structures of the action on the cohomology of $X$, in terms of the so-called dynamical filtrations on $H^{1,1}(X, {\mathbb R})$. Based on these filtrations, we obtain the first general upper bound on the polynomial growth of the iterations $(g^m)^* \, {\circlearrowleft} \, H^2(X, {\mathbb C})$ where $g$ is a zero entropy automorphism, in terms of ${\rm dim} \, X$ only. We also give an upper bound for the (essential) derived length $\ell_{\rm ess}(G, X)$ for every zero entropy subgroup $G$, again in terms of the dimension of $X$ only. We propose a conjectural upper bound for the essential nilpotency class $c_{\rm ess}(G,X)$ of a zero entropy subgroup $G$. Finally, we construct examples showing that our upper bound of the polynomial growth (as well as the conjectural upper bound of $c_{\rm ess}(G,X)$) are optimal.
Source Title: Geometric and Functional Analysis, 32 (Jun 2022) 568-594
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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