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Title: Mind-mindedness in out-of-home Care for Children: Implications for caregivers and child
Authors: Colonnesi, Cristina
Konijn, Carolien
Kroneman, Leoniek 
Lindauer, Ramon J. L.
Stams, Geert Jan J. M.
Keywords: Behavior problems
Caregiver-child relationship
Out-of-home and foster care
Post-traumatic stress
Issue Date: 5-Jan-2021
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Colonnesi, Cristina, Konijn, Carolien, Kroneman, Leoniek, Lindauer, Ramon J. L., Stams, Geert Jan J. M. (2021-01-05). Mind-mindedness in out-of-home Care for Children: Implications for caregivers and child. Current Psychology. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Rights: Attribution 4.0 International
Abstract: Most out-of-home placed children have experienced early adversities, including maltreatment and neglect. A challenge for caregivers is to adequately interpret their foster child’s internal mental states and behavior. We examined caregivers’ mind-mindedness in out-of-home care, and the association among caregivers’ mind-mindedness (and its positive, neutral, and negative valence), recognition of the child’s trauma symptoms, and behavior problems. Participants (N = 138) were foster parents, family-home parents, and residential care workers. Caregivers’ mind-mindedness was assessed with the describe-your-child measure. Caregivers’ recognition of the child’s trauma symptoms, their child’s emotional symptoms, conduct problems, prosocial behavior, and quality of the caregiver-child relationship were assessed using caregivers’ reports. Foster parents produced more mental-state descriptors than did residential care workers. General mind-mindedness, as well as neutral and positive mind-mindedness, related negatively to conduct problems. Besides, positive mind-mindedness was associated with prosocial behavior and neutral mind-mindedness with a better quality of the caregiver-child relationship and fewer child conduct problems. Negative mind-mindedness related positively to the caregiver’s recognition of the child’s trauma symptoms, and indirectly, to emotional symptoms. In conclusion, mind-mindedness seems to be an essential characteristic of out-of-home caregivers, connected to the understanding of their child’s behavior problems and trauma symptoms, as well as to the relationship with the child. The findings suggest a possible use of mind-mindedness in out-of-home care evaluation and intervention. © 2021, The Author(s).
Source Title: Current Psychology
ISSN: 1046-1310
DOI: 10.1007/s12144-020-01271-5
Rights: Attribution 4.0 International
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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